首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >Multiple gene sequences delimit Botryosphaeria australis sp nov from B-lutea

Multiple gene sequences delimit Botryosphaeria australis sp nov from B-lutea


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Botryosphaeria lutea (anamorph Fusicoccum luteum) most easily is distinguished from other Botryosphaeria spp. by a yellow pigment that is formed in young cultures. This fungus has been reported from a number of cultivated hosts in New Zealand and Portugal. During a survey of Botryosphaeria fungi that occur on native Acacia species in Australia, a yellow pigment was observed in some cultures. These isolates were morphologically similar to B. lutea, but the pigment differed slightly from the one formed by authentic B. lutea isolates. Preliminary data also revealed small differences in ITS rDNA sequence data. The aim of this study was to determine whether these small differences were indicative of separate species or merely variations within B. lutea. Anamorph, teleomorph and culture morphology were compared between B. lutea and Acacia isolates from Australia. Sequence data of two other genome regions, namely the beta-tubulin and EFI-alpha gene and intron regions, were combined with ITS rDNA sequence data to determine the phylogenetic relationship between these isolates. Isolates of B. lutea and those from Australian Acacia species were not significantly different in spore morphology. The yellow pigment, however, was much more distinct in cultures of B. lutea than in cultures from Acacia. There were only a few base pair variations in each of the analyzed gene regions, but these variations were fixed in the two groups in all regions. By combining these data it was clear that B. lutea and the isolates from Acacia were distinct species, albeit very closely related. We, therefore, propose the new epithet B. australis for the fungus from Australia. Botryosphaeria australis also was isolated in this study from exotic Sequoiadendron trees in Australia. Re-analyses of GenBank data in this study showed that B. australis also occurs on other native Australian hosts, namely a Banksia sp. and a Eucalyptus sp., as well as a native Protea sp. in South Africa and on Pistachio in Italy. These records from GenBank have been identified previously as B. lutea. The common occurrence of B. australis on a variety of native hosts across Australia suggests that this fungus is native to this area.
机译:最容易与其他Botryosphaeria spp区分开的Botryosphaeria lutea(变形金盏花)。由年轻文化中形成的黄色颜料形成。已经从新西兰和葡萄牙的许多栽培寄主中报告了这种真菌。在对澳大利亚本地相思树种上发生的灰霉病真菌进行的调查中,在某些文化中观察到黄色素。这些分离物在形态上与黄褐芽孢杆菌相似,但是色素与真正的黄褐芽孢杆菌分离株形成的色素略有不同。初步数据还显示了ITS rDNA序列数据的微小差异。这项研究的目的是确定这些小的差异是指示单独的物种还是仅仅是黄褐变内的变异。比较了来自澳大利亚的黄杆菌和金合欢分离株的无性型,远形型和培养物形态。将其他两个基因组区域(即β-微管蛋白和EFI-alpha基因和内含子区域)的序列数据与ITS rDNA序列数据结合,以确定这些分离株之间的系统发育关系。黄褐芽孢杆菌和澳大利亚金合欢物种的分离物在孢子形态上没有显着差异。然而,黄色素在B. lutea的培养物中比在相思中的培养物中更明显。在每个分析的基因区域中只有几个碱基对变异,但是这些变异在所有区域的两组中固定。通过综合这些数据,可以清楚地看出,黄褐芽孢杆菌和来自金合欢属的分离物是不同的物种,尽管密切相关。因此,我们为澳大利亚的真菌提出了新的上皮B. australis。这项研究还从澳大利亚的异国红杉树中分离出了南方葡萄孢。对GenBank数据进行的重新分析显示,澳大利亚芽孢杆菌也存在于其他澳大利亚本土寄主,即Banksia sp.。和一个桉树种,以及一个原生的普罗梯亚树种。在南非和意大利的开心果上。这些来自GenBank的记录以前被鉴定为B. lutea。在澳大利亚各种本地寄主中普遍存在澳洲芽孢杆菌,表明这种真菌是该地区的原生真菌。



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