首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >Reevaluation of Hohenbuehelia nigra and species with close affinities

Reevaluation of Hohenbuehelia nigra and species with close affinities


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Specimens tentatively determined as Hohenbuehelia nigra var. microspora were found in the environs of Buenos Aires. Study of collections in BAFC identified by Singer as H. nigra showed that var. microspora differed considerably from var. nigra. This led to a study of the holotypes of H. nigra var. microspora and H. nigra var. nigra. In the present paper specimens of Hohenbuehelia nigra var. nigra (Schwein.) Singer are redescribed and compared with H. nigra sensu Singer and Digilio, and with H. subbarbata. The taxonomic position of H. nigra var. microspora Singer is defined, for which the new name H. singeri is proposed, whereas for H. nigra sensu Singer and Digilio the variety H. nigra var. pileocystidiata is proposed. [References: 19]
机译:暂定为黑变种的标本。在布宜诺斯艾利斯附近发现了小孢子虫。由辛格(Singer)识别为黑麦(H. nigra)的BAFC中的集合研究表明,该变种。微孢子虫与var的差异很大。老黑这就导致了对黑变种H. hol全基因型的研究。微孢子虫和黑变种老黑在本文中,Hohenbuehelia nigra var的标本。重新描述了黑手党(Schwein。)歌手,并将其与黑手党的歌手Sig和Digilio以及半枝叶蝉进行了比较。 H. nigra var。的分类学位置。 microspora Singer被定义,为此提出了新名称H. singeri,而对于H. nigra sensu Singer和Digilio则使用了H. nigra var。提出了cystocystidiata。 [参考:19]



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