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Im Blickwinkel der Technik: Neue Verh?ltnisse von Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte


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Changing Perspectives - From the Experimental to the Technological Turn in History and Philosophy of Science. In the 1960s the philosophy of science was transformed through the encounter with the history of science, resulting in a collaborative venture by the name of "History and Philosophy of Science" (HPS). Philosophy of science adopted ever more regularly the format of the case study to reconstruct certain episodes from the history of science, and historians were mostly interested in the production of scientific knowledge. The so-called "experimental turn" of the 1980s owed to this interaction between philosophy and history. Its guiding question remained quite traditional, however, namely "How do the sciences achieve an agreement between representation and reality?" Only the answers to this question broke with tradition by focusing not on theory but on the role of instruments and experiments. - Roughly 30 years after the experimental turn, another transformative encounter appears to be taking place. HPS is being transformed in the encounter with philosophy of technology. From the point of view of philosophy of technology, the question does not arise whether and how the agreement of mind and world, representation and reality can be achieved. When things are constructed, built or made, human thinking and physical materiality are inseparably intertwined. Instead of seeking to describe a mind-independent reality, technoscientific researchers are working to acquire and demonstrate capabilities of experimental or predictive control. When science is regarded as a kind of technology, a program of study opens up for epistemology and so do avenues for the historiography of science. History of science might now show how the problems and procedures of the sciences arise from and impinge back upon a world that is itself a product of science and technology. It thereby abandons its traditional HPS niche existence and joins forces with environmental history, history of technology, social, labor, and consumer history.
机译:观点的转变-从历史和科学哲学的实验转向技术转向。在1960年代,通过与科学史的相遇,科学哲学发生了转变,并以“科学历史与哲学”(HPS)的名称进行了合作。科学哲学越来越经常地采用案例研究的形式来从科学史中重建某些事件,历史学家对科学知识的产生最感兴趣。由于哲学与历史之间的这种相互作用,1980年代的所谓“实验转向”。它的指导性问题仍然很传统,即“科学如何在表象和现实之间达成一致?”只有这个问题的答案才打破了传统,因为它不再侧重于理论而是侧重于仪器和实验的作用。 -实验转向大约30年后,又发生了一次变革性的相遇。 HPS正在与技术哲学相遇中进行转型。从技术哲学的角度来看,没有问题是否能够以及如何实现思想与世界,代表和现实的一致。当事物被构造,建造或制造时,人类的思想和物质的物质密不可分。技术科学研究人员没有寻求描述独立于思维的现实,而是努力获取和证明实验或预测控制的能力。当科学被视为一种技术时,就为认识论开辟了学习计划,而科学史学的途径也是如此。现在,科学史可以显示科学的问题和程序是如何产生并冲击到本身就是科学和技术产物的世界上的。因此,它放弃了其传统的HPS细分市场,并将其与环境历史,技术历史,社会,劳工和消费者历史结合在一起。



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