首页> 外文期刊>Mycoses: Diagnosis, therapy and prophylaxis of fungal diseases >Influence of serum on in vitro susceptibility testing of echinocandins for Candida parapsilosis and Candida guilliermondii

Influence of serum on in vitro susceptibility testing of echinocandins for Candida parapsilosis and Candida guilliermondii


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Echinocandins are antifungal drugs used for the treatment of invasive candidiasis and aspergillosis. They bind to serum proteins within a rate of 96 to >99%. The effect of serum on in vitro echinocandin susceptibility tests of certain Candida and Aspergillus species was reported. This study was performed to determine the effect of human serum on in vitro susceptibility testing of echinocandins for clinical isolates of Candida parapsilosis and Candida guilliermondii, the species which generally have higher minimum inhibitor concentrations compared with other Candida species. One hundred C. parapsilosis and 20 C. guilliermondii isolates were included in the study. The susceptibility tests of caspofungin, micafungin and anidulafungin were performed using microdilution method, either in the presence or absence of 50% human serum, according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) M27-A3 guidelines. It was demonstrated that human serum significantly affects the in vitro susceptibility results of echinocandins for C. parapsilosis and C. guilliermondii isolates, mostly yielding an increase in MICs. The most prominent fold changes were for micafungin and anidulafungin in C. parapsilosis, and for anidulafungin in C. guilliermondii isolates. Serum influences the in vitro echinocandin susceptibility in C. parapsilosis and C. guilliermondii. The mechanism and clinical significance of this in vitro change need to be clarified.
机译:棘球and素是用于治疗浸润性念珠菌病和曲霉病的抗真菌药物。它们以96%至> 99%的比率与血清蛋白结合。据报道,血清对某些念珠菌和曲霉属物种的棘皮菌素敏感性试验有影响。进行这项研究是为了确定人类血清对棘球chin素和副念珠菌临床分离株棘球ins素的体外药敏试验的影响,这些物种通常比其他念珠菌具有最低的最低抑菌剂浓度。这项研究包括了100例副疟原虫和20例古氏疟原虫。根据临床和实验室标准协会(CLSI)M27-A3指南,在存在或不存在50%人血清的情况下,使用微量稀释法对卡泊芬净,米卡芬净和阿尼芬净进行敏感性测试。事实证明,人血清显着影响棘球ins素对副寄生念珠菌和古氏梭状芽胞杆菌分离株的体外敏感性结果,主要是导致MIC的增加。最显着的倍数变化是副沙门氏菌中的米卡芬净和阿尼芬净,而古菌中的阿尼芬净为倍数。血清影响寄生棘孢菌和古氏梭状芽胞杆菌的体外棘皮菌素敏感性。这种体外变化的机制和临床意义需要阐明。



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