首页> 外文期刊>Cancer: A Journal of the American Cancer Society >Providers search for ways to help cancer patients with psychosocial challenges: Increasing numbers of hospitals are exploring methods beyond group support

Providers search for ways to help cancer patients with psychosocial challenges: Increasing numbers of hospitals are exploring methods beyond group support


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For patients and their families, the physical challenges of fighting cancer are difficult enough, but what often gets overlooked are the accompanying psychological and social problems. According to Hester Hill Schnipper, LICSW, chief of oncology social work at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, among the many emotions cancer patients experience are: Fear, anxiety, and sadness concerning a range of issues, including what will happen to them during and after treatment, whether they will be able to work through treatment and beyond, and what will be the financial implications of their illness.
机译:对于患者及其家人来说,抗击癌症的身体挑战已经足够困难,但是伴随而来的心理和社会问题却常常被人们忽视。根据马萨诸塞州波士顿贝丝·以色列女执事医疗中心肿瘤社会工作负责人Hester Hill Schnipper的说法,癌症患者经历的许多情绪包括:对一系列问题的恐惧,焦虑和悲伤,包括将要发生的事情。他们在治疗期间和之后,是否能够通过治疗及以后的工作,以及他们患病的财务影响是什么。



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