首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Experimental evidence for female-driven monandry in the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera

Experimental evidence for female-driven monandry in the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera

机译:狼蛛(Pardosa astrigera)中雌性驱动的雄性的实验证据

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Females of many species mate multiply, yet some taxon females mate with only one male, also known as monandry. Although the underlying mechanism behind female monandry is poorly understood relative to female polyandry, there are two contrasting hypotheses, male control and female control, for the maintenance of monandry. Since females generally benefit from multiple mating for material and/or genetic benefits, cases of monandry may reflect male manipulation on female remating at the expense of female fitness (male control). Alternatively, monandry may be favored by females, if females maximize their fitness by mating once (female control). Here, we tested two hypotheses by manipulating the number of mating (repeated mating and polyandry) on female fitness in a largely monandrous wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera. We allowed females to be inseminated once, twice with the same males (repeated mating) or with two males (polyandry) and determined female fitness consequences. The number of female mating, regardless of a single mating, repeated mating, or polyandry, had no significant effects on female fecundity, fertility, and survival and size of their spiderlings. However, the fitness cost of female multiple mating may to some extent be underestimated under laboratory conditions. In addition, female survival was adversely affected by induced multiple mating. Therefore, our results suggest that monandry of the wolf spider (P. astrigera) may be under the control of females, rather than under the control of males.
机译:许多物种的雌性交配繁殖,但有些分类群雌性仅与一名雄性交配,也称为mon。尽管相对于女性一妻多夫制,对女性一夫制背后的潜在机制知之甚少,但对于维持一夫一妻制,存在两个相反的假设,即男性控制和女性控制。由于雌性通常从多次交配中获得物质和/或遗传益处,因此一夫一妻制的情况可能反映了雄性在雌性交配上的作法,却以雌性适合度为代价(雄性控制)。另外,如果雌性通过交配一次(雌性控制)最大限度地提高自己的健康水平,雌性可能会优先选择单身。在这里,我们通过操纵在大型一头狼蛛Pardosa astrigera中女性适应性的交配次数(重复交配和一妻多夫)来检验两个假设。我们允许雌性受精一次,两次与相同的雄性(重复交配)或与两名雄性(一妻多夫)受精,并确定了雌性适合度的后果。雌性交配的次数,无论是单次交配,重复交配还是一妻多夫,都不会对雌性繁殖力,繁殖力,幼鸟的存活率和大小产生重大影响。但是,在实验室条件下,女性多次交配的适应性成本可能在某种程度上被低估了。另外,雌性存活受到诱导的多次交配的不利影响。因此,我们的结果表明,狼蛛(P. astrigera)的专一性可能在雌性的控制下,而不是在雄性的控制下。



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