首页> 外文期刊>Modern Physics Letters, B. Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Applied Physics >Computer simulation study of a nematogenic lattice-gas model based on the Nehring-Saupe interaction potential

Computer simulation study of a nematogenic lattice-gas model based on the Nehring-Saupe interaction potential


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Over 25 years ago, Nehring and Saupe proposed an anisotropic nematogenic lattice model, whose restriction to nearest neighbours has the form U-jk/is an element of = Phi (jk) = -3/2(3a(j)a(k) - tau (jk))(2) +1 r = x(j) - x(k), r = /r/, a(j) = (u(j) (.)r)/r, a(k) = (u(k)(.)r)/r, tau (jk) = u(j) (.) u(k), Here the three-component vectors x(j) is an element of Z(3) define centre-of-mass coordinates of the particles, and uk are three-component unit vectors defining their orientations; E is a positive quantity setting energy and temperature scales (i.e. T* = k(B)T/is an element of); this model is seen to be the anisotropic counterpart to the generic Lebwohl-Lasher lattice model. It has often been used for approximate calculations of elastic properties, and has recently been studied by simulation [Hashim and Romano, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B13, 3879 (1999)1. We study here its lattice-gas extension, whose Hamiltonian is defined by Lambda/is an element of= Psi = Sigma ({j
机译:在25年前,Nehring和Saupe提出了各向异性的生线晶格模型,其对最近邻的约束形式为U-jk /,其元素为= Phi(jk)= -3/2(3a(j)a(k) -tau(jk))(2)+1 r = x(j)-x(k),r = / r /,a(j)=(u(j)(。)r)/ r,a(k )=(u(k)(。)r)/ r,tau(jk)= u(j)(。)u(k),这里的三分量向量x(j)是Z(3)的元素定义粒子的质心坐标,uk是定义其方向的三分量单位矢量; E是设定能量和温度标度的正数(即T * = k(B)T /是的一个元素);该模型被视为是通用Lebwohl-Lasher晶格模型的各向异性对应物。它经常被用于弹性性能的近似计算,并且最近已经通过模拟研究[Hashim and Romano,Int。 J.莫德物理B13,3879(1999)1。我们在这里研究其晶格气体扩展,其哈密顿量由Lambda定义/是Psi = Sigma({j



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