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Arbitration and Equality: Jivraj v Hashwani


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This case note considers the implications flowing from the decision of the Court of Appeal in Jivraj v Hashwani in which the court, overturning Steel J, found that the anti-discrimination provisions contained in the Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations 2003 applied to the appointment of arbitrators and that there was no applicable exception, as a result of which the arbitration agreement was unlawful and therefore void. The note also considers the wider potential implications that arise from the decision as a result of the coming into effect of the Equality Act 2010 and, in particular, the manner in which this might affect the decision of parties as to whether to agree to arbitrations subject to English law or having this jurisdiction as the seat of the arbitration.
机译:本案例说明考虑了上诉法院在Jivraj诉Hashwani案中的判决所产生的影响,在该判决中,法院推翻Steel J案,发现2003年《就业平等(宗教和信仰)条例》中所载的反歧视规定适用于任命仲裁员,没有适用的例外,因此,该仲裁协议是非法的,因此无效。本说明还考虑了由于《 2010年平等法》的生效而产生的更广泛的潜在影响,尤其是这可能会影响当事方关于是否同意仲裁主题的决定的方式遵守英国法律或将本管辖权作为仲裁地。



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