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Tumour antigen-targeted immunotherapy for chronic myeloid leukaemia: Is it still viable?


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In haematological cancers, malignant cells circulate in the blood and lymphatic system. This may make leukaemic cells easier to target by immunotherapy than in other types of cancer. Various immunotherapy strategies have been trialled in several leukaemias including chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and in general, these have been aimed at targeting tumour-associated antigens (TAA). There are numerous TAA expressed by CML patients including WT1, proteinase 3, BCR-ABL and HAGE amongst others. The immunogenicity of the CML-specific tumour antigen, BCR-ABL, has been the subject of much debate and its role in the development of the disease and its unique sequence spanning the breakpoint region make it an ideal target for immunotherapy. However, there are a limited number of immunogenic epitopes across the junctional region, which are restricted to only a few HLA types, namely A2, A3 and B7 (Clark et al. in Blood 98:2887-2893, 2001). The second CML-associated antigen is the helicase antigen HAGE, a cancer-testis antigen found to be over-expressed in more than 50% of myeloid leukaemias (Adams et al. in Leukaemia 16:2238-2242, 2002). Very little is known about the function of this antigen and its significance to CML. However, its membership of the DEAD-box family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases and the involvement of other members of this family in tumour cell proliferation (Eberle et al. in Br J Cancer 86:1957-1962, 2002; Yang et al. in Cell Signal 17:1495-504, 2005) suggest a crucial role in the RNA metabolism of tumour cells. For these reasons, HAGE also seems to be a good target for immunotherapy as it would be applicable for the majority of patients with CML. This review aims to discuss the potential of immunotherapy for the treatment of leukaemia, in particular CML, and the prospect of targeting three CML associated antigens: BCR, ABL and HAGE. During his career, Prof. Tony Dodi made a significant contribution in this area of leukaemia research, confirming the identity of immunogenic HLA-A3 and B7-restricted peptides as targets for CTL. Published, as a highlighted paper in Clark et al. (Blood 98:2887-2893, 2001), this study demonstrated the expression of MHC-peptide complexes on the surface of CML cells and the presence of tetramer-positive CTL activity in CML patients positive for these two HLA alleles. His drive and dedication for research excellence will be remembered by all who knew and worked with him.
机译:在血液癌症中,恶性细胞在血液和淋巴系统中循环。与其他类型的癌症相比,这可能使白血病细胞更易于通过免疫疗法靶向。已经在包括慢性髓样白血病(CML)在内的几种白血病中尝试了多种免疫疗法策略,并且总的来说,这些策略旨在靶向肿瘤相关抗原(TAA)。 CML患者表达了许多TAA,包括WT1,蛋白酶3,BCR-ABL和HAGE等。 CML特异性肿瘤抗原BCR-ABL的免疫原性一直是许多争论的主题,其在疾病发展中的作用及其跨越断点区域的独特序列使其成为免疫疗法的理想靶标。然而,在整个连接区域存在有限数量的免疫原性表位,其仅限于几种HLA类型,即A2,A3和B7(Clark等人,Blood 98:2887-2893,2001)。第二种与CML相关的抗原是解旋酶抗原HAGE,这是一种癌症-睾丸抗原,被发现在50%以上的髓样白血病中过表达(Adams等在Leukemia 16:2238-2242,2002)。关于这种抗原的功能及其对CML的意义知之甚少。然而,它是ATP依赖的RNA解旋酶的DEAD-box家族的成员,并且该家族的其他成员参与肿瘤细胞增殖(Eberle等,Br J Cancer 86:1957-1962,2002; Yang等。在Cell Signal 17:1495-504,2005)中提出了在肿瘤细胞的RNA代谢中的关键作用。由于这些原因,HAGE似乎也是免疫疗法的良好靶标,因为它适用于大多数CML患者。这篇综述旨在讨论免疫疗法治疗白血病(尤其是CML)的潜力,以及靶向三种CML相关抗原:BCR,ABL和HAGE的前景。在他的职业生涯中,Tony Dodi教授在白血病研究领域做出了重要贡献,证实了具有免疫原性的HLA-A3和B7限制性肽作为CTL的靶标。在Clark等人的文章中作为重点论文发表。 (Blood 98:2887-2893,2001),该研究证明了在对这两个HLA等位基因呈阳性的CML患者中,CML细胞表面上MHC-肽复合物的表达以及四聚体阳性CTL活性的存在。所有认识他并与他一起工作的人都将铭记他对卓越研究的追求和奉献精神。



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