首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Vegetable Science >Genetic diversity analysis and DNA fingerprinting of elite chilli pepper lines using SSR markers.

Genetic diversity analysis and DNA fingerprinting of elite chilli pepper lines using SSR markers.


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Hybrid cultivars of chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) have become very popular due to their superior performance. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, developed a genetic male sterile (GMS) line 'MS-12' by introducing a nuclear male sterility gene ms509 (redesignated as ms10) from a French introduction. Subsequently, 'MS-12' has successfully been used to develop commercial F1 hybrids. However, 'MS-12' has outlived its utility and there is a need to diversify the maternal parent. The investigation was carried out to identify the most divergent genotype from 'MS-12' among the six elite lines of chilli pepper by employing 58 SSR markers. Thirty produced polymorphic bands, revealing a total of 83 alleles with an average of 2.67 alleles per locus. Polymorphic information content (PIC) varied from 0.21 to 0.84, with an average value of 0.51. Based on PIC values and number of alleles amplified, the primer CAMS-072 was the most informative, followed by CAMS-311 and Hpms CaSIG-19. Lines under evaluation had more than 70% similar fragments. Dice similarity coefficients between any two genotypes varied from 0.70 to 0.95, with the lowest between 'PBC-535' with 'VR-16' and the highest between 'MS-12' sterile with 'MS-12' fertile. 'SL-412' and 'DCL-524' had a similarity coefficient of 0.93. Among the six elite lines assayed, 'PBC-535' was the most diverse from 'MS-12', followed by 'VR-16' with, similarity coefficients of 0.71 and 0.75, respectively. Some fragments were unique and can be used as cultivar specific markers for rapid discrimination. The discriminating power of these markers will be helpful in testing purity of F1 hybrids and for registering elite germplasm.
机译:辣椒(Capsicum annuum L.)的杂交品种因其优异的性能而变得非常流行。印度卢迪亚纳的旁遮普农业大学通过引入法文,引入了一个核不育基因ms509(重新命名为ms10),从而开发了遗传不育(GMS)品系'MS-12'。随后,“ MS-12”已成功用于开发商用F 1 杂种。但是,“ MS-12”的作用已不复存在,因此有必要使母体多样化。通过使用58个SSR标记,进行了调查,以找出六个辣椒优良品系中'MS-12'中最不同的基因型。产生了三十条多态性条带,揭示了总共83个等位基因,每个基因座平均2.67个等位基因。多态信息内容(PIC)从0.21到0.84不等,平均值为0.51。根据PIC值和扩增的等位基因数量,引物CAMS-072提供的信息最多,其次是CAMS-311和Hpms CaSIG-19。被评估品系的相似片段超过70%。两种基因型之间的骰子相似系数从0.70到0.95不等,“ PBC-535”和“ VR-16”之间最低,而“ MS-12”和“ MS-12”可育之间最高。 “ SL-412”和“ DCL-524”的相似系数为0.93。在所分析的六个精英系中,“ PBC-535”与“ MS-12”的差异最大,其次是“ VR-16”,相似系数分别为0.71和0.75。一些片段是独特的,可以用作快速鉴别的品种特异性标记。这些标记物的鉴别能力将有助于测试F 1 杂种的纯度和登记优良种质。



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