摘要:为构建旱地油用亚麻平衡施肥指标体系,采用农业部推荐的“3414”实验法,在河北省张家口市、山西省大同市和甘肃省白银市、平凉市及内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市、乌兰察布市等4省6市同步进行了大田试验.依据实验结果,拟合了氮、磷、钾三元平衡施肥模型,确定了实现油用亚麻籽粒最高产量、最佳产量目标下氮、磷、钾肥最高施用量、最佳施用量及其配比.结果表明,6实验区配合施用氮、磷、钾肥均可提高油用亚麻籽粒产量,白银、鄂尔多斯、乌兰察布3实验区施用氮肥产量增幅最大,张家口、大同、平凉3个试验区施用钾肥产量增幅最大.所拟合的三元平衡施肥模型均达显著相关水平,可运用于油用亚麻生产实践.在张家口、鄂尔多斯、乌兰察布、大同、平凉和定西6实验区,推行氮、磷、钾三元平衡施肥最大施用量及其配比,油用亚麻籽粒最高产量比基础产量(不施肥)分别增加40.53%、25.46%、71.15%、30.68%、16.21%和34.71%.推行氮、磷、钾三元平衡施肥最佳施用量及其配比,油用亚麻籽粒最佳产量比基础产量分别增加37.73%、23.47%、62.23%、26.07%、8.77%和24.68%.%Region). Based on the experiment results, three variable quadratic models of nitrogen fertilizer (N), phosphorus fertilizer (P) and potassium fertilizer (K) were simulated. And the maximum and optimal fertilizer application rates as well as the ratio of N, P and K by which the highest and optimal yield for flax were obtained were determined. Results showed that all the combinative application of N, P and K increased flax seed yield. The sites of increased yields with N fertilizer were Baiyin, Ordos and Ulanqab, while the sites of increased yields with K fertilizer were Zhangjiakou, Datong and Pingliang. The fitted results of three variable fertilizer formula models for oil flax all reached significant level (P<0.01), and could be used to guide oil flax production. With the maximum application rates and ratios of N, P and K in the six sites of Zhangjiakou, Ordos, Ulanqab, Datong, Pingliang and Dingxi, the highest seed yields of oil flax increased by 40.53%, 25.46%, 71.15%, 30.68%, 16.21% and 34.71% respectively over the CK yield (without fertilization). With the optimal application rates and ratios of N, P and K, the optimal seed yield increased by 37.73%, 23.47%, 62.23%, 26.07%, 8.77% and 24.68% respectively over the CK yield.