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Cancer of unknown primary: Time trends in incidence, United States


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Purpose: To describe the epidemiological features and trends of cancer of unknown primary (CUP) in a large and diverse US population. Methods: The Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results registry was used to examine incidence rates, adjusted to the World Segi 1960 population, by demographic and tumor characteristics among patients diagnosed with CUP between 1973 and 2010. Annual percent changes in incidence rates were estimated using Joinpoint regression. Results: The incidence rate of pathologically investigated CUP was 4.1 per 100,000 and is consistent with reports from other countries. In the USA, CUP incidence rates have been decreasing since the early 1980s, 3.6 % per year in the last two decades. The USA experienced decreases earlier than other countries. US males and African Americans had the highest rates of CUP. The rates of non-microscopically confirmed CUP have dropped 2.6 % per year since 1973, but 24 % of CUP patients do not receive microscopic confirmation and 21 % of those with microscopically investigated cancer receive a vague histology (i.e., epithelial) diagnosis. Twenty percent of patients with pathological investigation receive radiation. Patients were twice as likely to be diagnosed with a non-pathologically investigated CUP if they were living in areas with the lowest income quartile relative to areas with the highest income quartile. Conclusion: Although the incidence of CUP is decreasing, we document CUP that may be due to insufficient diagnostic inquiry. Questions raised by the findings in this data provide hypotheses for further epidemiological and biological studies in the elucidation of CUP incidence and treatment.
机译:目的:描述美国大量不同人群中未知原发性癌症(CUP)的流行病学特征和趋势。方法:使用“监测流行病学和最终结果”注册表,根据1973年至2010年间被诊断为CUP的患者的人口统计学和肿瘤特征,检查适应世界Segi 1960年人口的发病率。使用Joinpoint回归估算发病率的年百分比变化。结果:经病理检查的银联发病率为每10万人中有4.1例,与其他国家的报告一致。在美国,自1980年代初以来,银联的发病率一直在下降,在过去的20年中每年以3.6%的速度下降。美国经历了比其他国家更早的下降。美国男性和非裔美国人的银联发病率最高。自1973年以来,未经镜检的CUP患病率每年下降2.6%,但24%的CUP患者未得到镜检确诊,经镜检的癌症患者中有21%接受了模糊的组织学(即上皮)诊断。经过病理检查的患者中有20%接受了放射治疗。如果患者生活在收入四分位数最低的地区,则相对于收入四分位数最高的地区,被诊断为未经病理检查的银联病的可能性是患者的两倍。结论:尽管CUP的发生率正在下降,但我们记录了CUP可能是由于诊断查询不足所致。该数据中发现的问题为进一步阐明CUP的发生和治疗提供了流行病学和生物学研究的假设。



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