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Museum's Focal Point Uses Meal


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The 33 million dollars Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture, located in Baltimore, MD, has some unique design elements. The five-story, 82,000 sq. ft. project details the tribulations and triumphs of the African-American community in Maryland and their contributions to art, history and culture. This is reflected in the building's design. One of the museum's standout features is the 96'-high metal, curving Wall of Freedom a.k.a. Red Wall. The wall begins on the outside of the building, cuts through glass cur-tainwall and floor plates, and terminates about halfway into the museum, poking out of the roof and skylight. With a staircase placed beside it, the perforated aluminum plate wall guides visitors through the museum. The perforated material creates a translucent effect inside the main lobby.
机译:马里兰州巴尔的摩市斥资3,300万美元的马里兰非裔美国人历史与文化博物馆Reginald F. Lewis拥有一些独特的设计元素。这个五层楼高的建筑,占地82,000平方英尺,详细描述了马里兰州非裔美国人社区的种种不幸和成就,以及它们对艺术,历史和文化的贡献。这反映在建筑物的设计中。博物馆最引人注目的功能之一是高96'的金属,弯曲的自由墙又称红墙。墙从建筑物的外部开始,穿过玻璃幕墙和地板,直到博物馆的一半终止,从屋顶和天窗中刺出来。旁边有一个楼梯,带孔的铝板墙引导游客游览博物馆。穿孔材料在主大厅内产生半透明效果。



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