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Analysis of BSE monitoring system in Lithuania


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Lithuania has been strengthening its BSE monitoring program since July 2001. A total of 264,268 cattle were examined during the period of 2001-2006. No BSE positive case was found. A total of 93.1% of healthy slaughtered cattle, 6.3% of fallen stock,0.4% of emergency slaughtered cattle and 0.2% of cattle with clinical signs were tested at ante mortem inspection. The number of tested adult cattle has increased 4.5 times from 4.17% in 2001 to 18.88% in 2006. 2.41% adult cattle were tested in 2002,1.97% in 2003,10.59 % in 2004 and 18.92% in 2005. The number of tested healthy slaughtered adult cattle has increased 4 times from 4.09% in 2001 to 17.41% in 2006. 2.11% of healthy slaughtered adult cattle were tested in 2002,1.5% in 2003, 9.96% in 2004 and17.66% in 2005. The number of tested risk group adult cattle has increased 18 times from 0.08% in 2001 to 1.47% in 2006.0.3% of risk group of adult cattle were tested in 2002,0.47% in 2003,0.63% in 2004 and 0.96% in 2005. 94.3% of all tested cattle werefrom 2 to 11 years old, 0.1% of them were less than 2 years old, 3.0% were 12 years old and 2.6% were 13 years old and more. 54.3% of all tested cattle were more than 5 years old. A total of 53.9% of healthy slaughtered cattle, 59.0% of fallen stock, 61.9% emergency slaughtered cattle and 62.6% of cattle with clinical signs at ante mortem inspection were more than 5 years old. Significant correlation was found between the age of healthy slaughtered cattle and emergency slaughtered cattle and cattle withclinical signs at ante mortem inspection (P < 0.05). There was no correlation between the age of fallen stock and healthy slaughtered cattle. The mean age of healthy slaughtered cattle was 6.5 years and the mean age of fallen stock was 6.7 years in 2005. Enfer TSE and Bio-Rad rapid tests were applied for BSE monitoring. Inconclusive test results were subjected to histopathological and immunocytochemical examination.
机译:自2001年7月以来,立陶宛一直在加强其BSE监测计划。在2001-2006年期间,共检查了264,268头牛。找不到BSE阳性病例。进行宰前检查时,总共对93.1%的健康屠宰牛,6.3%的下降牲畜,0.4%的紧急屠宰牛和0.2%的有临床体征的牛进行了测试。受测试的成年牛的数量从2001年的4.17%增长到2006年的18.88%,增长了4.5倍。2002年受测试的成年牛为2.41%,2003年为1.97%,2004年为10.59%,2005年为18.92%。屠宰成年牛从2001年的4.09%增长到2006年的17.41%,增长了四倍。2002年对健康屠宰成年牛进行了2.11%的检测,2003年为1.5%,2004年为9.96%,2005年为17.66%。风险组的成年牛增加了18倍,从2001年的0.08%上升到2006年的1.47%。2002年对风险组的成年牛进行了0.3%的检测,2003年为0.47%,2004年为0.63%,2005年为0.96%。所有测试的牛均为2至11岁,其中0.1%小于2岁,3.0%为12岁,2.6%为13岁及以上。所有测试的牛中有54.3%的年龄超过5岁。在宰前检查中,共有53.9%的健康屠宰牛,59.0%的牲畜跌倒,61.9%的紧急屠宰牛和62.6%的有临床体征的牛超过了5岁。在宰前检查中,健康屠宰牛的年龄与紧急屠宰牛的年龄和具有临床体征的牛之间存在显着相关性(P <0.05)。牲畜下降的年龄与健康的屠宰牛之间没有相关性。 2005年,健康屠宰牛的平均年龄为6.5岁,牲畜的平均年龄为6.7岁。采用TSE和Bio-Rad快速测试进行BSE监测。尚无定论的测试结果经过组织病理学和免疫细胞化学检查。



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