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Love and justice's dialectical relationship: Ricoeur's contribution on the relationship between care and justice within care ethics


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The relationship between love/care and justice was one of the key tensions from which care ethics originated; to this very day it is subject of debate between various streams of thought within care ethics. With some exceptions (e.g. Christa Schnabl) most approaches have in common the belief that care and justice are mutually exclusive concepts, or at least as so different that their application is situated on different levels. Hence, both are complementary, but distinct, so that there is no real interaction. This paper aims to investigate whether, and if so, how, a deeper understanding of Ricoeur's thoughts on this matter enriches the relationship between care and justice with respect to care ethics. This connection suggests itself from Ricoeur's interpretation of the relationship as a dialectical one in which the logic of superabundance (love) and the logic of equivalence (justice) meet. Care enables people to see the face and individuality of the one, 'le chacun,' within the anonymous structures of justice that tend to reduce all human beings to the anonymous each, He on'; justice in its turn is the precondition for love to become incarnated and made real. What may this view-of care and justice standing in close connection, in which they correct and strengthen each other-add to the understanding of concrete practices of care?
机译:爱/关怀与正义之间的关系是关怀伦理起源的主要压力之一。迄今为止,在护理伦理学中,各种思想流派之间一直存在争议。除某些例外情况(例如Christa Schnabl)外,大多数方法都有共同的信念,即照料和正义是互斥的概念,或者至少如此不同以至于它们的应用位于不同的层次上。因此,两者是互补的,但却是截然不同的,因此没有真正的相互作用。本文旨在研究对Ricoeur在此问题上的思想的更深层次的理解是否(如果是)以及如何,如何在护理伦理方面丰富护理与正义之间的关系。这种联系是从里科(Ricoeur)将这种关系解释为一种辩证关系的过程中体现出来的,在这种辩证关系中,超富逻辑(爱)和对等逻辑(正义)相遇。关怀使人们能够看到匿名的正义结构内的“ le chacun”的面孔和个性,这种正义的结构倾向于使所有人沦为匿名的“ He on”。反过来,正义是爱得以具体化和实现的前提。这种相互关怀和相互加强的护理观与正义观之间有什么联系,可以加深对护理具体实践的理解?



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