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The effect of a short integrated study skills programme for first-year medical students at risk of failure: A randomised controlled trial


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Background: There is a need for outcome-based studies on strategies for supporting at-risk medical students that use long-term follow-up and contemporaneous controls. Aim: To measure the effect of a short integrated study skills programme (SSP) on the study progress of at-risk medical students. Methods: First-year students identified as at-risk of academic failure at 7 months after enrolment were invited to participate in the randomised controlled trial. Participants were randomly assigned to the SSP group or to a control group receiving standard academic support. Effects of SSP were measured on the short (passed first exam after intervention), medium (obtained enough credits to proceed to second year) and long term (completed first-year curriculum within 2 years). Results: SSP participants (n=43) more often passed the first exam after the intervention than controls (n=41; 30% versus 12%; X2(1)=4.06, p0.005, effect size=0.22), in particular those who had previously passed at least one exam. No medium or long-term effect was found. Participants who had attended four or five SSP sessions outperformed those who had attended fewer sessions on all outcome measures. Conclusion: A short, integrated SSP benefited some, but not all students. Our advice is to focus support efforts on at-risk students who have demonstrated commitment and academic potential.
机译:背景:有必要进行基于结果的研究,以研究使用长期随访和同期对照来支持高危医学生的策略。目的:衡量短期综合学习技能计划(SSP)对高危医学生学习进度的影响。方法:邀请入学后7个月被确定为学习失败风险的一年级学生参加随机对照试验。将参与者随机分配到SSP组或接受标准学术支持的对照组。在短期(干预后通过第一次考试),中度(获得足够的学分以继续到第二年)和长期(两年内完成第一年课程)上测量SSP的效果。结果:与对照组相比,SSP参与者(n = 43)干预后通过第一次检查的频率更高(n = 41; 30%对12%; X2(1)= 4.06,p <0.005,效果大小= 0.22),尤其是那些以前至少通过了一次考试的人。没有发现中长期影响。参加了四到五次SSP会议的参加者比参加较少会议上所有成果指标的参加者要好。结论:简短,集成的SSP使部分但并非所有学生受益。我们的建议是将支持工作重点放在表现出决心和学术潜力的高风险学生身上。



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