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Kuhnian Paradigms: On Meaning and Communication Breakdown In Medicine


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In this paper, I enquire whether there are Kuhnian paradigms in medicine, by way of analysing a case study from the history of medicine-the discovery of the germ theory of disease in the nineteenth century. I investigate the Kuhnian aspects of this event by comparing the work of the famous school of microbiology founded by Robert Koch with a rival school, powerful in the nineteenth century, but now almost forgotten, founded by Carl Nageli. Through my case study, I show that medical science possesses some Kuhnian features. Within each school, scientists used similar exemplars and shared the same assumptions. Moreover, their research was resistant to novelty, and the results of one party were disregarded by the other. In other words, in a moderate sense, the Koch and Nageli groups worked within distinct paradigms. However, I reject the stronger Kuhnian claim that the terms used within the two paradigms were mutually unintelligible. Focusing on the semantic aspects, I argue that no account of incommensurability of reference can be given in this case, although, for sociological reasons, the two parties talked past each other. I suggest in addition that the rival scientists could have understood each other more easily if their theoretical commitments had not been so deeply ingrained, and I use the example of Pasteur to indicate that the causal account of meaning might have avoided the communication breakdown.
机译:本文通过分析医学史上的一个案例研究-十九世纪疾病的细菌理论的发现-来探讨医学中是否存在库恩范式。我通过比较罗伯特·科赫(Robert Koch)创立的著名微生物学学校和19世纪强大但如今几乎被卡尔·纳奇利(Carl Nageli)创立的一所竞争对手学校的研究成果,研究了这一事件的库恩主义方面。通过我的案例研究,我发现医学具有库恩主义的特征。在每所学校中,科学家都使用类似的范例,并具有相同的假设。而且,他们的研究具有新颖性,而一方的结果却被另一方忽略。换句话说,从适度的意义上来说,科赫和纳吉利的团队在不同的范式下工作。但是,我拒绝更强烈的库恩主义主张,即在两种范式中使用的术语是相互难以理解的。我着眼于语义方面,尽管这种情况是出于社会学原因,但两方互相交谈,但我认为在这种情况下无法提供参考的不可通约性。我还建议,如果对他们的理论承诺没有那么深的根深蒂固,那么对立的科学家本可以更容易地相互理解,并且我以巴斯德为例来说明意义的因果关系可能避免了交流的破裂。



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