首页> 外文期刊>Medical and Pediatric Oncology: The Official Journal of the American Association for Cancer Education >Safety, efficacy, and acceptability of home intravenous therapy administered by parents of pediatric oncology patients.

Safety, efficacy, and acceptability of home intravenous therapy administered by parents of pediatric oncology patients.


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BACKGROUND: A prospective study of patients receiving intravenous therapy administered at home by parents was conducted over 1 year at a United Kingdom regional pediatric oncology center. PROCEDURE: The study defined the patient groups for whom this approach was used and evaluated the safety and efficacy of home treatment. Parents' evaluation of home therapy was sought to determine the acceptability of the scheme from their perspective. Eight-nine courses of antibiotics, chemotherapy or antiemetics were given, comprising a total of 469 days of home treatment. RESULTS: Few clinical problems were encountered. Parents felt that home treatment helped them to cope (72%); they felt more in control (75%) and learned more about their child's illness and treatment (82%). CONCLUSIONS: Home treatment was perceived as less stressful than hospital treatment (79%), and all reported benefits to family life. There is a need for parents to be taught vigilance in observing for and reporting signs of deterioration.



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