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Empathy is related to clinical competence in medical care


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Objectives: Most medical schools focus upon aspects of interpersonal functioning such as empathy in the doctor-patient relationship with the aim of training clinically competent doctors. This study investigated the relationship between empathy and clinical competence among medical students. Methods: Fifty-seven medical students participated in the study. Clinical competence was assessed in an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Empathy was rated by an independent observer of the clinical interaction in OSCE stations. In addition, empathy was self-rated using the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy-Student Version. Results: Observed behaviour indicative of empathy, as rated objectively by an independent observer, was strongly associated with clinical competence. The strong association between the behavioural manifestation of empathy and clinical competence was evident across a range of medical conditions and types of consultation. In addition, observable empathy was strongly associated with patients' ratings of the students' performances. Self-rated empathy, however, was not associated with clinical competence. Significant differences in mean total competence scores were noted between students low in observed empathy (mean ± standard deviation [SD]: 165.86 ± 12.92) and students high in observed empathy (mean ± SD: 190.35 ± 14.00) (t[55] = 6.28, p = 0.000, α ≤ 0.01). Conclusions: In medical education, strategies that enhance the behavioural expression of empathy (or at least retard its decay) could help to make medical students appear to be more clinically competent to both examiners and patients. However, if medical students' internal emotions are found to be discrepant with their behaviour, these findings will raise difficult questions regarding the fundamental nature of genuine empathy and alert us to the possibility that medical students may learn that it pays to subscribe to the view that if a person does not feel empathy, he or she can fake it.
机译:目标:大多数医学院侧重于人际交往的各个方面,例如医患关系中的同理心,目的是培养具有临床能力的医生。这项研究调查了同理心与医学生临床能力之间的关系。方法:57名医学生参加了研究。在客观的结构化临床检查(OSCE)中评估了临床能力。移情由OSCE站中临床互动的独立观察员评估。此外,使用医师移情-学生版的杰斐逊量表对移情进行自我评估。结果:独立观察者客观评价的观察到的表示共情的行为与临床能力密切相关。移情的行为表现与临床能力之间的密切联系在各种医疗条件和咨询类型中均很明显。此外,可观察到的共情与患者对学生表现的评价密切相关。自我评价的同理心与临床能力无关。观察到同情心低的学生(平均值±标准差[SD]:165.86±12.92)和观察到同情心高的学生(平均值±SD:190.35±14.00)之间的平均总能力得分存在显着差异(t [55] = 6.28 ,p = 0.000,α≤0.01)。结论:在医学教育中,增强共情行为表达(或至少延缓其衰变)的策略可能有助于使医学生看起来对考官和患者都有更强的临床能力。但是,如果发现医学生的内在情绪与他们的行为不符,这些发现将引发有关真正同理心的基本性质的难题,并使我们警惕医学生可能会认识到认同这一观点是值得的如果一个人不感到同情,他或她可以伪造它。



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