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Multi-dimensional profiling of medical students' cognitive models about learning.


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Introduction In current constructivist paradigms, learners' previous subject-matter knowledge, or cognitive models, provide the foundations for the construction of new knowledge. Learners' cognitive models about learning also mediate students' capacities to learn in their chosen topics of study. The diverse backgrounds of students entering medicine suggest that they might come to medical studies equipped with a wide variety of cognitive models about learning. Some current theories tend to reduce students' cognitions about learning to parsimonious representations, such as surface-deep approaches or mastery-performance goals. It is possible that such reduced representations underrepresent, or misrepresent, the complexity of students' cognitive models about learning. Good quality teaching needs to take account of learners' cognitive models, not just about subject matter, but also about learning. This study investigated the diversity and complexity of medical students' cognitive models about learning. Methods A total of 7 graduate entry, clinical-year medical students volunteered for in-depth interviews about learning. NUD*IST text analysis software and correspondence analysis were employed to identify dimensions and to profile students' responses. Results The correspondence analysis identified a significant 4-dimensional solution that illustrates the contributions of multiple variables to students' cognitive models about learning. Individual profiles highlight diversity between participants. Discussion This study provides evidence that students' cognitive models about learning are complex and highly differentiated. Representations of what students know about learning need to take account of such complexity in order to inform instructional practice more adequately.
机译:简介在当前的建构主义范式中,学习者以前的主题知识或认知模型为新知识的构建提供了基础。学习者关于学习的认知模型还可以调节学生在所选学习主题中的学习能力。进入医学领域的学生背景各异,表明他们可能会参加医学研究,这些医学研究具有各种各样的学习认知模型。当前的一些理论趋向于将学生的学习认知简化为简约的表现形式,例如表面深度学习法或精通表现目标。这种减少的表示形式可能会歪曲或歪曲学生关于学习的认知模型的复杂性。高质量的教学需要考虑学习者的认知模型,不仅要考虑主题,还要考虑学习。本研究调查了医学生关于学习的认知模型的多样性和复杂性。方法共有7名研究生,临床年医学生自愿参加了有关学习的深入访谈。使用NUD * IST文本分析软件和对应分析来识别尺寸并描述学生的回答。结果对应分析确定了一个重要的4维解决方案,该解决方案说明了多个变量对学生关于学习的认知模型的贡献。个人资料突出显示了参与者之间的差异。讨论本研究提供了证据,表明学生关于学习的认知模型是复杂且高度差异化的。为了更充分地指导教学实践,对学生所学知识的表述需要考虑到这种复杂性。



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