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Reliability and validity of the direct observation clinical encounter examination (DOCEE).


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CONTEXT: The College of Medicine and Medical Sciences at the Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain, replaced the traditional long case/short case clinical examination on the final MD examination with a direct observation clinical encounter examination (DOCEE). Each student encountered four real patients. Two pairs of examiners from different disciplines observed the students taking history and conducting physical examinations and jointly assessed their clinical competence. OBJECTIVES: To determine the reliability and validity of the DOCEE by investigating whether examiners agree when scoring, ranking and classifying students; to determine the number of cases and examiners necessary to produce a reliable examination, and to establish whether the examination has content and concurrent validity. SUBJECTS: Fifty-six final year medical students and 22 examiners (in pairs) participated in the DOCEE in 2001. METHODS: Generalisability theory, intraclass correlation, Pearson correlation and kappa were used to study reliability and agreement between the examiners. Case content and Pearson correlation between DOCEE and other examination components were used to study validity. RESULTS: Cronbach's alpha for DOCEE was 0.85. The intraclass and Pearson correlation of scores given by specialists and non-specialists ranged from 0.82 to 0.93. Kappa scores ranged from 0.56 to 1.00. The overall intraclass correlation of students' scores was 0.86. The generalisability coefficient with four cases and two raters was 0.84. Decision studies showed that increasing the cases from one to four improved reliability to above 0.8. However, increasing the number of raters had little impact on reliability. The use of a pre-examination blueprint for selecting the cases improved the content validity. The disattenuated Pearson correlations between DOCEE and other performance measures as a measure of concurrent validity ranged from 0.67 to 0.79. CONCLUSIONS: The DOCEE was shown to have good reliability and interrater agreement between two independent specialist and non-specialist examiners on the scoring, ranking and pass/fail classification of student performance. It has adequate content and concurrent validity and provides unique information about students' clinical competence.
机译:背景:巴林阿拉伯海湾大学医学与医学学院以最终观察MD考试取代了传统的长病例/短病例临床检查,改为直接观察临床相遇检查(DOCEE)。每个学生遇到四个真正的病人。两对来自不同学科的检查员观察了学生的病史并进行了身体检查,并共同评估了他们的临床能力。目的:通过调查考官在对学生进行评分,排名和分类时是否同意,来确定DOCEE的可靠性和有效性;确定进行可靠检查所需的案件数量和检查人员,并确定检查是否具有内容和并发有效性。研究对象:2001年的56名最后一年的医学生和22名检查员(成对参加)参加了DOCEE。方法:采用泛化理论,组内相关性,Pearson相关性和kappa来研究检查员之间的信度和一致性。使用案例内容以及DOCEE与其他检查组件之间的Pearson相关性来研究有效性。结果:Cronbach的DOCEE的alpha为0.85。专家和非专家给出的类内和皮尔逊评分之间的相关性在0.82至0.93之间。 Kappa分数介于0.56至1.00之间。课堂上学生分数的整体相关性是0.86。有4个案例和两个评估者的泛化系数为0.84。决策研究表明,将案例从1个增加到4个可以将可靠性提高到0.8以上。但是,增加评估者的数量对可靠性几乎没有影响。使用预审蓝图选择病例可以提高内容的有效性。 DOCEE与其他绩效指标之间并发效度的衰减Pearson相关性介于0.67至0.79之间。结论:DOCEE在两个独立的专业和非专业考官之间,在学生成绩的评分,排名和通过/不通过分类方面具有良好的可靠性和相互认同的协议。它具有足够的内容和并发有效性,并提供有关学生临床能力的独特信息。



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