首页> 外文期刊>Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing: Journal of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering >Estimation of atrial fibrillatory wave from single-lead atrial fibrillation electrocardiograms using principal component analysis concepts.

Estimation of atrial fibrillatory wave from single-lead atrial fibrillation electrocardiograms using principal component analysis concepts.


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A new method for the assessment of the atrial fibrillatory wave (AFW) from the ECG is presented. This methodology is suitable for signals registered from Holter systems, where the reduced number of leads is insufficient to exploit the spatial information of the ECG. The temporal dependence of the bio-electrical activity were exploited using principal component analysis. The main features of ventricular and atrial activity were extracted, and several basis signals for each subspace were determined. Hence, the estimated (AFW) are reconstructed exclusively from the basis signals that formed the atrial subspace. Its main advantage with respect to adaptive template subtraction techniques was its robustness to variations in the QRST morphology, which thus minimised QRST residua. The proposed approach was first validated using a database of simulated recordings with known atrial activity content. The estimated AFW was compared with the original AFW, obtaining correlation indices of 0.774 +/- 0.106. The suitability of this methodology for real recordings was also proven, though its application to a set of paroxysmal AF ECGs. In all cases, it was possible to detect the main frequency peak, which was between 4.6 Hz and 6.9 Hz for the patients under study.
机译:提出了一种从心电图评估房颤波(AFW)的新方法。这种方法适用于从Holter系统注册的信号,其中减少的导线数量不足以利用ECG的空间信息。生物电活动的时间依赖性是利用主成分分析来开发的。提取心室和心房活动的主要特征,并确定每个子空间的几个基本信号。因此,仅从形成心房子空间的基础信号中重建估算值(AFW)。就自适应模板减法技术而言,其主要优势在于其对QRST形态变化的鲁棒性,从而将QRST残留最小化。首先使用具有已知心房活动内容的模拟记录数据库对提出的方法进行了验证。将估算的AFW与原始AFW进行比较,得出相关系数为0.774 +/- 0.106。尽管该方法适用于一组阵发性AF ECG,但也证明了该方法适用于真实记录。在所有情况下,都有可能检测到被研究患者的主频率峰值,该峰值在4.6 Hz至6.9 Hz之间。



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