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Backwardation flares to $700/tonne, outright prices slump

机译:后退价格飙升至$ 700 / t,价格直降

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Another week has gone by and there is still no sign of any tin being traded on theICDX in Indonesia. If things carry on like this for another week then theoreticallywe could see a zero tally on tin exports out of the country this month. Theadministrative delays in issuing the country’s smelters with new export licencescould very well continue to push prices higher where all other attempts havefailed. The reality is that getting to the bottom of what is actually going on inIndonesia is proving extremely challenging. Could we be seeing a last-ditcheffort by the government to force the hand of the country’s smelters by indirectlyhalting exports to raise prices? After all, previous voluntary export caps haveclearly have not worked. Or could it be that the government is struggling toascertain whether the concentrates being processed by the smelters, are in factfrom “clean and clear” mines?



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