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Regarding the study by Hutti, Armstrong, and Myers (MCN36(2), 2011).


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Regarding the study by Hutti, Armstrong, and Myers (MCN 36(2), 2011), which investigates the important issue of the psychological effects of losing a child before, during, or after childbirth: The study concludes that mothers with history of loss during birth attempt to cope with anxiety through extra telephone calls, more frequent visits, and additional testing. However, the findings in the study do not entirely support this conclusion, for the following reasons.First, Table 3 in the above study shows that mothers who are pregnant for the first time had a higher utilization of healthcare in the initial time period (Time Period 1 with the variable of self) than mothers who had a experienced perinatal loss. A more accurate conclusion statement would have discerned between the group with a prior loss and the first-time mother group because both groups increased utilization of healthcare.Second, Table 3 also shows that mothers with a previous loss made more telephone calls, with more unscheduled visits, and utilized more diagnostic procedures regarding the baby in comparison with the other two groups. However, there are some instances in which the previous loss group and first pregnancy group values are nearly the same or that the first pregnancy group had a greater amount of healthcare utilization (HCU). The conclusion that "mothers with a history of prior perinatal loss utilized more healthcare resources in the subsequent pregnancy when compared with the non-loss controls" is therefore not really supported by the data.
机译:关于Hutti,Armstrong和Myers的研究(MCN 36(2),2011),该研究调查了在分娩前,分娩中或分娩后失去孩子的心理影响的重要问题:该研究得出的结论是,有分娩史的母亲在出生时尝试通过额外的电话,更频繁的探视和额外的测试来应对焦虑。但是,由于以下原因,该研究的结果并不完全支持该结论。首先,以上研究的表3显示,首次怀孕的母亲在初始时期对医疗保健的利用率更高(时间与经历围产期流产的母亲相比,第1阶段的自我变量有所不同。由于之前两组都增加了医疗保健的使用率,因此可以更准确地得出结论,因为这两个组都增加了医疗保健的利用率。第二,表3还显示,以前丢失的母亲打电话的次数更多,计划外的时间也更多探访,并且与其他两组相比,利用了更多有关婴儿的诊断程序。但是,在某些情况下,先前的损失组和第一次妊娠组的值几乎相同,或者第一次妊娠组的医疗保健利用率(HCU)更高。因此,“没有围产期丢失史的母亲与非流失对照者相比,在随后的妊娠中使用了更多的医疗资源”这一结论并没有得到数据的真正支持。



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