首页> 外文期刊>MCN: American Journal of Maternal-Child Nursing >Extreme obesity as a patient safety risk during labor and birth.

Extreme obesity as a patient safety risk during labor and birth.


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You've just been notified that a pregnant woman weighing over 600 pounds will be giving birth in your unit next week. What plans should be underway to make sure this birth is as safe as possible? Key issues to consider for women with extreme obesity (body mass index > 40) are (a) the nurse-to-patient ratio, (b) maternal and fetal assessment, (c) pain management, (d) necessary equipment, and (e) possible emergent cesarean birth. Advance planning is critical to safe care during labor and birth for women with extreme obesity. Ideally, each perinatal unit has established protocols for these pregnant women that include advance notification from providers by 34 weeks gestation. Although an estimated maternal weight can be useful for planning purposes, maternal weight should be confirmed on admission if at all possible because an accurate weight determines the type of bed that is required. If a woman is ambulatory and there is no scale that can provide an accurate weight for patients over 300 pounds (accuracylimit of most scales), it may be necessary to escort her to a scale that the hospital normally uses to weigh freight or laundry. This can be embarrassing for the woman, and the situation should be handled in a manner most sensitive to her situation.
机译:您刚刚收到通知,体重超过600磅的孕妇下周将在您的单位分娩。应该采取什么计划来确保这种分娩尽可能安全?对于极端肥胖(体重指数> 40)的女性,要考虑的关键问题是(a)护士与患者的比例,(b)母婴评估,(c)疼痛管理,(d)必要的设备以及( e)可能的紧急剖腹产。提前计划对于极端肥胖的妇女在分娩和分娩期间的安全护理至关重要。理想情况下,每个围产期单位都应为这些孕妇制定规程,包括在怀孕34周时提前通知提供者。尽管估计的产妇体重可用于计划目的,但应尽可能在入院时确认产妇体重,因为准确的体重决定了所需的床型。如果妇女是门诊病人,并且没有能够为300磅以上的患者提供准确体重的秤(大多数秤的精度限制),则可能需要护送她到医院通常用来称量货物或洗衣的秤。这可能会使女人感到尴尬,应该以对她的处境最敏感的方式来处理处境。



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