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Medication prescribing errors pertaining to cardiovascular/antidiabetic medications: A prescription audit in primary care


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This study was carried out to identify the medication prescribing errors (MPEs) pertaining to cardiovascular/antidiabetic medications in prescriptions issued to hypertensive and diabetic hypertensive patients. A retrospective, nationwide audit of prescriptions (n=2773) issued by primary care physicians (n=194) of 20 health centres in Bahrain was carried out. Approximately one-quarter of prescriptions ordered by two-thirds of primary care physicians had errors. No significant differences with respect to overall errors were evident in prescriptions ordered by the family physicians and general practitioners. The most common error (in 8.0% of prescriptions) was prescribing β-blockers or diuretics (thiazide) or their combinations to patients on lipid-lowering drugs. Prescribing multiple antihypertensives, often with a similar mechanism, accounted for 2.2% errors: approximately half of these (1.45%) were two angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) co-prescribed and/or ACEIs plus angiotensin-II receptor blockers. In 0.7% of prescriptions, β-blockers were ordered to patients on salbutamol treatment. High-dose metformin (3g/day) was prescribed to approximately 4% diabetic hypertensives; of these, many were elderly patients. Prescribing high-dose glibenclamide (median dose 15mg) to the elderly accounted for 3.6% of the overall errors. Polypharmacy, such as aspirin along with an immediate-release dipyridamole, was prescribed occasionally (0.25%), particularly by the general practitioners (P=0.0139). MPEs are common in primary care, in Bahrain. Some of these prescribing errors have the potential to harm patients. Effective measures to detect and prevent such errors are needed to improve the quality of health care. Standard treatment guidelines and educational interventions are important strategies to achieve these goals.
机译:进行这项研究的目的是确定高血压和糖尿病高血压患者处方中与心血管/抗糖尿病药物有关的药物处方错误(MPE)。由巴林的20家医疗中心的初级保健医生(n = 194)进行的处方回顾(n = 2773)在全国范围内进行了审核。三分之二的初级保健医师订购的处方中约有四分之一有错误。在家庭医生和全科医生的处方中,关于总体误差的明显差异不明显。最常见的错误(占处方的8.0%)是给使用降脂药物的患者开具β受体阻滞剂或利尿剂(噻嗪类)或其组合的处方。经常采用类似的机制开具多种降压药,可导致2.2%的错误:其中约一半(1.45%)是两种处方的血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)和/或ACEI加血管紧张素II受体阻滞剂。在0.7%的处方中,对接受沙丁胺醇治疗的患者订购了β受体阻滞剂。约有4%的糖尿病患者开了大剂量的二甲双胍(每天3g)。其中,许多是老年患者。老年人处方大剂量格列本脲(中剂量15mg)占总误差的3.6%。偶尔开出处方药(例如阿司匹林和速释双嘧达莫)(0.25%),特别是由全科医生开药(P = 0.0139)。 MPE在巴林的初级保健中很常见。这些处方错误中的一些可能会伤害患者。需要采取有效措施来检测和防止此类错误,以提高卫生保健的质量。标准治疗指南和教育干预措施是实现这些目标的重要策略。



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