首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Cell salvage does not minimize perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion in abdominal vascular surgery: a systematic review: (La recuperation de sang ne reduit pas la necessite d'une transfusion allogenique perioperatoire en chirurgie vasculaire abd

Cell salvage does not minimize perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion in abdominal vascular surgery: a systematic review: (La recuperation de sang ne reduit pas la necessite d'une transfusion allogenique perioperatoire en chirurgie vasculaire abd


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PURPOSE: To determine whether the use of cell salvage reduces the proportion of patients receiving at least one unit of allogeneic packed red blood cells during the perioperative period of an elective vascular surgery. SOURCE: We identified all relevant articles through the combined use of electronic searches of the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases, the Cochrane library as well as hand searching of all randomized clinical trials and review articles. The electronic search included articles published between 1966 and April 2001. The search included textword searches using "autotransfusion," "cell salvage," "device," or Medical Subject Headings "autologous blood transfusion" or a "randomized controlled trials" filter. Principal findings: Five randomized controlled trials (RCT) were identified involving cell salvage and vascular surgeries. In infra renal abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery the risk ratio (the risk of receiving at least one unit of allogeneic red cells) was 0.37 [95% confidence intervals (CI) of 0.06 to 2.36]. In elective aorto-femoral bypass surgery the risk ratio was 0.97 (95% CI of 0.66 to 1.42). The pooled risk ratio for cell salvage in vascular surgery was 0.67 (95% CI of 0.35 to 1.28). CONCLUSION: Cell salvage, a commonly used technique to recover red cells from the operative field, has been the subject of several studies in vascular surgery. There is insufficient evidence to recommend the routine use of cell salvage in elective abdominal aortic aneurysm and aorto-femoral bypass surgeries. A large RCT would elucidate whether cell salvage is effective as a blood conservation technique.
机译:目的:确定在选择性血管外科手术的围手术期中使用细胞挽救术是否能减少接受至少一个同种异体堆积红细胞的患者比例。资料来源:我们通过结合使用MEDLINE和EMBASE数据库的电子搜索,Cochrane库以及手工搜索所有随机临床试验和综述文章来识别所有相关文章。电子搜索包括1966年至2001年4月之间发表的文章。搜索包括使用“自动输血”,“细胞抢救”,“设备”或医学主题词“自体输血”或“随机对照试验”过滤器进行的文字搜索。主要发现:确定了五项涉及细胞挽救和血管外科手术的随机对照试验(RCT)。在肾下腹主动脉瘤手术中,风险比(接受至少一个同种异体红细胞的风险)为0.37 [95%置信区间(CI)为0.06至2.36]。在择期主动脉股动脉搭桥手术中,风险比为0.97(95%CI为0.66至1.42)。血管外科手术中细胞抢救的合并风险比为0.67(95%CI为0.35至1.28)。结论:细胞挽救是从手术区域恢复红细胞的常用技术,已成为血管外科研究的主题。没有足够的证据推荐在选择性腹主动脉瘤和主动脉股动脉搭桥手术中常规使用细胞挽救。大型RCT将​​阐明挽救细胞作为血液保存技术是否有效。



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