首页> 外文期刊>Food Manufacturing Efficiency >Efficiency of pre-drying handling practices in improving the quality attributes of artificially dried Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius)

Efficiency of pre-drying handling practices in improving the quality attributes of artificially dried Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius)

机译:预干燥处理方法在改善人工干燥的孟买鸭(Harpodon neherius)品质特性方面的效率

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Efficiency of pre-drying handling practices such as chilling, gutting and salting, were studied as a way of improving the quality attributes of artificially dried Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius). Freshly caught Bombay duck stored at 28 deg C for morethan 8 h was found unfit for human consumption. Accumulation of fatty acids, tri-methylamine and total volatile bases were reduced by chilling the fish to 0 deg C before processing, salting after gutting at 28 deg C before drying, or drying at 45 deg C without delay. Since the initial quality of the raw material has a direct bearing on the keeping quality of the final dried products, it was found that treating freshly caught Bombay duck with 20% brine solution for 16 h followed by artificially drying the fish in kilns at 45 deg C resulted in an improvement in the quality attributes of the final dried product compared to untreated fish.
机译:研究了预干燥处理方法(例如冷却,内脏和盐渍处理)的效率,以提高人工干燥的孟买鸭(Harpodon neherius)的品质属性。发现新鲜捕捞的孟买鸭在28摄氏度下储存8小时以上,不适合人类食用。通过在加工之前将鱼冷却至0摄氏度,在28摄氏度的肠内消化后干燥,干燥或在45摄氏度下干燥而无延迟,可以减少脂肪酸,三甲胺和总挥发性碱的积累。由于原材料的初始质量直接影响最终干燥产品的保持质量,因此发现用20%的盐溶液将刚捕获的孟买鸭处理16小时,然后在45摄氏度的窑炉中人工干燥鱼与未经处理的鱼相比,C可以改善最终干燥产品的质量。



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