首页> 外文期刊>Foodborne pathogens and disease >Early detection by polymerase chain reaction of migratory Trichinella spiralis larvae in blood of experimentally infected mice.

Early detection by polymerase chain reaction of migratory Trichinella spiralis larvae in blood of experimentally infected mice.


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We studied the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detecting DNA of migratory larvae of Trichinella spiralis at an early stage of infection with this parasite. We derived primers for PCR from a 1.6-kb repetitive sequence of the genome of T. spiralis and used PCR to detect Trichinella-specific DNA in blood of mice infected with 20, 100, or 300 muscle-derived larvae of T. spiralis at 3-21 days postinfection (dpi). We detected T. spiralis DNA in blood of mice infected with 20 larvae at 5 and 6 dpi, with a detection rate of 7.69% and in blood of mice infected with 100 larvae at 5-12 dpi, with a peak detection rate of 38.46% at 7 dpi. PCR detected T. spiralis larvae at 5-17 dpi in mice infected with 300 larvae, with detection rates exceeding 50% from 5 to 10 dpi and a peak rate of 61.54% at 7 dpi. The detection rates of T. spiralis larvae with PCR in the three groups of mice showed an increasing trend with an increase in the infecting dose of larval parasites (F = 17.811, p < 0.01). Our findings indicate that the sensitivity of PCR for detecting DNA migratory larvae of T. spiralis in blood of mice infected with this parasite depends on the severity of infection and the time elapsed after infection, and suggest that PCR may be useful for detecting Trichinella infection at an early stage in humans and food animals that test negatively for anti-Trichinella antibodies.
机译:我们研究了在这种寄生虫感染的早期阶段检测旋毛虫旋毛虫幼虫DNA的聚合酶链反应(PCR)的敏感性。我们从1.6.kb螺旋螺旋体基因组的重复序列中获得了PCR引物,并使用PCR检测了在3、20、100或300肌肉螺旋螺旋体幼虫感染的小鼠血液中的旋毛虫特异性DNA。感染后-21天(dpi)。我们在5和6 dpi感染20只幼虫的小鼠血液中检测到螺旋线虫DNA,检出率为7.69%,在5-12 dpi感染100幼虫感染的小鼠血液中检测到螺旋虫DNA,峰值检出率为38.46% 7 dpi。 PCR在感染300尾幼虫的小鼠中以5-17 dpi检测到了螺旋线虫幼虫,从5到10 dpi的检出率超过50%,在7 dpi的检出率达到61.54%。在三组小鼠中,PCR检测螺旋体幼虫的比率随着幼虫寄生虫感染剂量的增加而呈上升趋势(F = 17.811,p <0.01)。我们的发现表明,PCR检测这种寄生虫感染的小鼠血液中螺旋线虫DNA迁移幼虫的敏感性取决于感染的严重程度和感染后经过的时间,并表明PCR可能对检测旋毛虫感染有用。在人类和食用动物的早期阶段,其对旋毛虫抗体的检测呈阴性。



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