首页> 外文期刊>Food Technology and Biotechnology >Quality characteristics of retailed sucuk (Turkish dry-fermented sausage)

Quality characteristics of retailed sucuk (Turkish dry-fermented sausage)


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Fifty sucuks (19 factory sucuks and 31 butcher's sucuks) were collected from local markets and butchers. Chemical, microbiological and overall sensory qualities of sucuks were investigated. There was a great variation in the concentrations of biogenic amines and levels of residual nitrite in them. Aerobic plate, lactic acid bacteria, and mould and yeast counts of factory sucuks varied from 5.56 to 8.39 log cfu/g, from 4.70 to 6.48 log cfu/g and from 3.15 to 4.68 log cfu/g, respectively. pH values of butcher's sucuks were higher than those of the factory ones. In general, butcher's sucuks contained higher amounts of biogenic amines and TBA values than factory sucuks. With respect to their overall sensory quality, about 63.2% of butcher's sucuks were found to be in the acceptable range. High quality raw materials and suitable starter culture should be used in the production of sucuk.
机译:从当地市场和屠夫那里收集了五十个苏克(19个工厂的苏克和31个屠夫的苏克)。研究了sucuks的化学,微生物学和整体感官品质。生物胺的浓度和其中的亚硝酸盐残留量存在很大差异。工厂蔗糖的好氧平板,乳酸菌以及霉菌和酵母的数量分别为5.56至8.39 log cfu / g,4.70至6.48 log cfu / g和3.15至4.68 log cfu / g。肉店的pH值高于工厂的pH值。通常,肉店的苏克汤中的生物胺和TBA值比工厂的苏克汤中的含量高。关于它们的整体感官质量,发现约63.2%的肉店的sucuks在可接受的范围内。 sucuk生产中应使用高质量的原材料和合适的发酵剂文化。



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