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Testing the applicability of six macroscopic skeletal aging techniques on a modern Southeast Asian sample


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Most macroscopic skeletal aging techniques used by forensic anthropologists have been developed and tested only on reference material from western populations. This study examined the performance of six aging techniques on a known age sample of 88 Southeast Asian individuals. Methods examined included the Suchey-Brooks method of aging the symphyseal face of the os pubis (Brooks and Suchey, Hum. Evol. 5 (1990) 227), Buckberry and Chamberlain's, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 119 (2002) 231 and Osborne et al.'s, J. Forensic Sci. 49 (2004) 1 revisions of the Lovejoy et al., Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 68 (1985) 15 method of aging the auricular surface of the ilium, Iscan et al.'s, J. Forensic Sci. 29 (1984) 1094, Iscan et al.'s, J. Forensic Sci. 30 (1985) 853 method of aging the sternal end of the fourth rib, and Meindl and Lovejoy's, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 68 (1985) 57 methods for aging both lateral-anterior and vault sutures on the cranium. The results of this study indicate that application of aging techniques commonly used in forensic anthropology to individuals identified as Asian, and more specifically Southeast Asian, should not be undertaken injudiciously. Of the six individual methods tested here, the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphysis aging method performs best, though average age estimates were still off by nearly 10 years or greater. Methods for aging the auricular surface perform next best, though the Osborne et al. method works better for individuals below 50 years and the Buckberry and Chamberlain method works better for those above 50 years. Methods for age estimation from the sternal ends of the fourth rib and vault and lateral-anterior cranial sutures perform poorly and are not recommended for use on remains of Southeast Asian ancestry. Combining age estimates from multiple indicators, specifically the pubic symphysis and one auricular surface method, was superior to individual methods. Data and a worked example are provided for calculating the conditional probability that an individual belongs to a particular age decade, though overall age estimates may still be broad. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:法医人类学家使用的大多数宏观骨骼老化技术仅在西方人群的参考材料上开发和测试。这项研究在88名东南亚人的已知年龄样本中检验了六种老化技术的性能。检查的方法包括Suchey-Brooks方法老化耻骨的耻骨联合面(Brooks and Suchey,Hum。Evol。5(1990)227),Buckberry和Chamberlain's,美国。 J.物理Anthropol。 119(2002)231和Osborne et al。,J.Forensic Sc​​i。 49(2004)1 Lovejoy et al。,Am。 J.物理Anthropol。 68(1985)15老化the骨的耳廓表面的方法,Iscan等人,J。法医科学。 29(1984)1094,Iscan等人,J.Forensic Sc​​i。 30(1985)853老化第四肋骨胸骨端的方法,以及Meindl和Lovejoy's,Am。 J.物理Anthropol。 68(1985)57种在颅骨上同时缝合外侧和前侧缝线的方法。这项研究的结果表明,法医人类学中常用的衰老技术对被识别为亚洲人,尤其是东南亚人的个人的应用不应被错误地进行。在这里测试的六种单独方法中,Suchey-Brooks耻骨联合耻骨衰老方法效果最好,尽管平均年龄估算仍相差将近10年或更长时间。尽管Osborne等人(2001年)提出,老化耳廓的方法效果最好。该方法对50岁以下的人效果更好,而Buckberry和Chamberlain方法对50岁以上的人效果更好。从第四肋骨的胸骨末端和穹ault和颅前外侧缝线进行年龄估算的方法效果较差,不建议在东南亚血统的遗骸上使用。结合多种指标(特别是耻骨联合和一种耳廓表面方法)的年龄估计优于单独的方法。尽管总体年龄估计可能仍然很宽泛,但提供了数据和可行的示例来计算一个人属于特定年龄十年的条件概率。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.保留所有权利。



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