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Sex determination from the distal part of the femur in a French contemporary population.


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Until now, determining the sex of a recently deceased individual using the measurement of the bicondylar breadth of the femur (also known as condylar width, epicondylar breadth and distal epiphyseal breadth) raised some concerns as to accuracy because no sample of contemporary French subjects was available. In this study, a sample of 88 female and male femurs taken from recently deceased elderly French people was studied. The bones were collected from subjects who had donated their bodies to the Medical School of Nice. The mean value of the male bicondylar breadth was found to be greater than that of females (84.3mm versus 74.8mm), confirming the sexual dimorphism of this parameter. Furthermore, the results showed a 95.4% accuracy rate for sexing individuals. To date, in the French population, as in some other samples, epicondylar breadth is the single most accurate measurement of sex determination, ahead even of head diameter. A discriminant function is presented to allow sex determination from remains of the distal femur. With regard to the data available in the literature, sexual dimorphism is probably the result of both genetic and environmental factors. The comparison of our results with those of other populations shows that there are inter-population variations of the bicondylar breadth, and also intra-population variations that account for the differences in the accuracy rate of this variable for the purposes of sex determination. These findings underscore the need to re-evaluate bone measurements within various contemporary populations.
机译:到目前为止,通过测量股骨的双bread宽度(也称为width宽度,con上宽度和epi骨远端宽度)来确定新近死亡者的性别引起了对准确性的关注,因为目前尚无法国现代受试者的样本。 。在这项研究中,研究人员从最近去世的法国老人中抽取了88个女性和男性股骨。骨头是从将尸体捐赠给尼斯医学院的受试者那里收集的。发现男性双con宽度的平均值大于女性(84.3mm对74.8mm),证实了该参数的性二态性。此外,结果表明,针对性伴侣的准确率达到95.4%。迄今为止,在法国人口中,就像在其他一些样本中一样,epi上宽度是对性别确定的最准确的度量,甚至超过了头部直径。具有判别功能,可根据股骨远端残存的性别来确定性别。关于文献中可用的数据,性二态性可能是遗传和环境因素的结果。将我们的结果与其他人群的结果进行比较,结果表明,con突宽度在人群中存在变异,在人群中也存在变异,这解释了出于性别确定的目的,该变量的准确率存在差异。这些发现强调了需要重新评估各种现代人群中的骨骼测量结果。



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