首页> 外文期刊>Gynecological endocrinology: the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology >Hormonal replacement therapy in women with Turner's syndrome in Poland: Analysis of 176 cases

Hormonal replacement therapy in women with Turner's syndrome in Poland: Analysis of 176 cases


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AbstractAim. Turner syndrome (TS) is one of the forms of gonadal malfunction. The study aims at the analysis of hypophysis-gonad axis (HGA) of women with TS who use and do not use hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). Method. One hundred and seventy-six Poles with TS were investigated in the years 1995-2004. The information about the application of HRT was given during the interview. The HGA was examined by the estimation of gonadotropin (FSH, LH) and 17beta-estradiol (E_2) levels.Results. HRT was administered to 89% of women with TS at some point of their life. However, at the time of writing this report only 54% of them have been taking this drug. The variety of hormonal preparations used by the patients was great. In women with TS using the HRT, in contradiction to women with TS who do not use it, lower concentrations of FSH (32.1 + 22.1 vs. 44.2 +.23.3 IU/1) and LH (20.8 + 17.5 vs. 26.6 + 18.1 IU/1) as well as higher level of E_2 (135.5 + 147.9 vs. 89.9 + 100.6 pmol/1) were observed. The negative correlation between E_2 and FSH levels was not observed in women with TS using HRT, despite the elevation of 17beta-estradiol levels and the reduction of gonadotropin concentration. Conclusions: (1) Large percentage of women with TS does not use HRT. (2) Women with TS, who receive HRT, use this method of treatment insufficiently.
机译:抽象目标。特纳综合症(TS)是性腺功能衰竭的一种形式。该研究旨在分析使用和不使用激素替代疗法(HRT)的TS妇女的垂体性腺轴(HGA)。方法。在1995年至2004年间对176个带有TS的波兰人进行了调查。采访中提供了有关HRT应用的信息。通过估计促性腺激素(FSH,LH)和17β-雌二醇(E_2)的水平检查HGA。结果。 89%的TS妇女在其生命的某个阶段接受了HRT。但是,在撰写本报告时,只有54%的人正在服用该药。患者使用的激素制剂种类繁多。在使用HRT的TS女性中,与不使用HRT的女性相反,FSH(32.1 + 22.1 vs. 44.2 +.23.3 IU / 1)和LH(20.8 + 17.5 vs. 26.6 + 18.1 IU)的浓度较低/ 1)以及更高水平的E_2(135.5 + 147.9与89.9 + 100.6 pmol / 1)。尽管使用17H-雌二醇水平升高且促性腺激素浓度降低,但使用HRT的TS妇女中未观察到E_2和FSH水平之间的负相关。结论:(1)患有TS的女性中有很大一部分不使用HRT。 (2)接受HRT治疗的TS妇女没有充分使用这种治疗方法。



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