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Cultural differences in food description and preference: Contrasting Vietnamese and French panellists on soy yogurts.


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This study investigated the cultural differences in description and preference of soy yogurts formulated for French market between French and Vietnamese panellists, two cultures with important differences in soy and dairy product consumption habits. Two trained panels assessed the in-mouth perceptions of eight soy yogurts and four milk yogurts, using a conventional descriptive analysis method. Three soy and two cow milk yogurts, representing the sensory space of the product set were then assessed by two consumer panels in a hedonic test. A multiple factor analysis (MFA) showed that the two sensory profiles are highly similar. The two panels agreed on texture and taste attributes but cultural specificities were revealed for aroma attributes: French panellists used two times more attributes than Vietnamese panellists (10 vs. 5). While the Vietnamese attributes are related to soy-based products ('raw soybean', 'soy milk' and 'tofu') the French attributes were more diverse and even included references to non-food products ('wood', 'earthy' and 'chalk'). The result of the hedonic test showed that soy yogurts were worst appreciated by both panels. In general, the soy and dairy product consumption data of the panellists helped to explain their preferences towards soy or milk yogurts. However this is not the case of a Vietnamese consumer subgroup who consumes soy products frequently. Their hedonic ratings on soy yogurts suggest that they expected the authentic soy-related sensory properties in tasting soy yogurts and these properties might not be found in this new product
机译:这项研究调查了法国和越南小组成员在为法国市场配制的大豆酸奶的描述和偏好上的文化差异,这两种文化在大豆和乳制品的消费习惯上具有重要差异。由两个训练有素的小组使用传统的描述性分析方法评估了八种大豆酸奶和四种牛奶酸奶的口内感。然后,由两个消费者小组在享乐测试中评估了代表产品组感官空间的三种大豆和两种牛奶酸奶。多因素分析(MFA)显示,两种感官特征高度相似。这两个小组在质地和口味属性上达成了共识,但在香气属性上揭示了文化特性:法国小组成员使用的属性是越南小组成员的两倍(10比5)。越南语的属性与大豆产品(“生大豆”,“豆浆”和“豆腐”)相关,而法国语的属性则更加多样化,甚至包括非食品产品(“木材”,“土类”和“豆腐”)。 '粉笔')。享乐测试的结果表明,两个小组都对大豆酸奶的评价最差。通常,小组成员的大豆和奶制品消费数据有助于解释他们偏爱大豆或牛奶酸奶的情况。但是,越南消费人群经常食用大豆产品却不是这种情况。他们对大豆酸奶的享乐主义评价表明,他们期望品尝大豆酸奶时具有与大豆相关的地道的感官特性,而在新产品中可能找不到这些特性。



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