首页> 外文期刊>Family & community health >Intensity of grandparent caregiving and life satisfaction among rural Chinese older adults: A longitudinal study using latent difference score analysis

Intensity of grandparent caregiving and life satisfaction among rural Chinese older adults: A longitudinal study using latent difference score analysis


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This study examined how life satisfaction and grandparent caregiving intensity changed over time among rural Chinese older adults, and whether there was a leading predictor between grandparent caregiving intensity and life satisfaction. Using 4 waves of data from the Well-being of Elderly in Anhui Province of China (N = 1704), we applied latent difference score analysis to explore this relationship. Results indicated that grandparent caregiving intensity decreased and life satisfaction increased over time. There was a lagged effect between grandparent caregiving intensity and life satisfaction, and life satisfaction demonstrated a leading prediction role between these 2 variables. This study confirmed the potentially rewarding aspect of grandparent caregiving, which may lead to greater life satisfaction. The results also revealed that psychological well-being among grandparents is very important for performing activities, such as caregiving.
机译:这项研究调查了中国农村老年人的生活满意度和祖父母照料强度如何随时间变化,以及祖父母照料强度和生活满意度之间是否存在主要的预测因素。利用来自中国安徽省老年人口(N = 1704)的4浪数据,我们应用了潜在差异评分分析来探讨这种关系。结果表明,随着时间的推移,祖父母的照料强度降低,生活满意度提高。祖父母的照料强度和生活满意度之间存在滞后效应,生活满意度证明了这两个变量之间的主导预测作用。这项研究证实了祖父母照料的潜在好处,这可能会提高生活满意度。结果还表明,祖父母之间的心理健康对于进行诸如看护等活动非常重要。



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