首页> 外文期刊>Gut: Journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology >Expression and localisation of insulin receptor substrate 2 in normal intestine and colorectal tumours. Regulation by intestine-specific transcription factor CDX2.

Expression and localisation of insulin receptor substrate 2 in normal intestine and colorectal tumours. Regulation by intestine-specific transcription factor CDX2.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Self-renewal and differentiation of intestinal epithelium is a tightly regulated process, whose perturbations are implicated in human colorectal tumourigenesis. The insulin/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signalling pathway may play an important role in intestinal epithelium homeostasis. Insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2) is a poorly characterised component in this pathway. METHODS: Using complementary in vitro and in vivo human and murine models, expression (mRNA and protein levels), localisation (immunohistochemistry) and regulation of IRS2 were investigated in the normal intestine and colorectal tumours. In silico analysis of the human IRS2 promoter was performed together with reporter and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. RESULTS: Significant IRS2 expression was detected in the intestine, with specific protein localisation in the villus region of the ileum and in the surface epithelium of the colon. In human HT29 and Caco2 cells, IRS2 mRNA levels increased with spontaneous and induced differentiation, together with CDX2 (caudal-related homeobox protein 2), P21 and KLF4 (Kruppel-like factor 4). Adenoviral infection with human CDX2 induced IRS2 expression in APC- (adenomatous polyposis coli) and beta-catenin-mutated cells. On the other hand, IRS2 downregulation was observed in differentiated enterocytes after adenoviral infection with short hairpin CDX2 (shCDX2), in the intestine of CDX2 heterozygous mice and in colorectal tumours of Apc(Min/+) and patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). The human IRS2 promoter region presents several CDX2-binding sites where CDX2 immunoprecipitated in vivo. IRS2 reporters were functionally activated via CDX2 and blocked via a dominant-negative CDX2 protein. CONCLUSIONS: Combining gain- and loss-of-function approaches, an intriguing scenario is presented whereby IRS2 is significantly expressed in the apical intestinal compartment and is directly controlled by CDX2 in normal intestine and tumours.
机译:背景与目的:肠上皮的自我更新和分化是一个严格调控的过程,其扰动与人类大肠肿瘤的发生有关。胰岛素/胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)信号通路可能在肠上皮稳态中发挥重要作用。胰岛素受体底物2(IRS2)是该途径中表征较差的成分。方法:使用互补的体外和体内人和鼠模型,研究IRS2在正常肠和大肠肿瘤中的表达(mRNA和蛋白质水平),定位(免疫组织化学)和调节。在计算机上对人IRS2启动子进行分析,并进行了报告基因和染色质免疫沉淀分析。结果:在肠中检测到IRS2的大量表达,特定蛋白定位于回肠的绒毛区域和结肠的表面上皮细胞。在人的HT29和Caco2细胞中,IRS2 mRNA水平随自发分化诱导而增加,与CDX2(尾端相关的同源盒蛋白2),P21和KLF4(Kruppel样因子4)一起升高。人CDX2的腺病毒感染在APC-(腺瘤性息肉病大肠杆菌)和β-catenin突变的细胞中诱导IRS2表达。另一方面,腺病毒感染短发夹CDX2(shCDX2),CDX2杂合小鼠肠道和Apc(Min / +)大肠肿瘤以及家族性腺瘤性息肉病(FAP)患者后,在分化的肠上皮细胞中观察到IRS2下调。 。人IRS2启动子区具有几个CDX2结合位点,其中CDX2在体内被免疫沉淀。 IRS2报道分子通过CDX2功能激活,并通过显性负CDX2蛋白阻断。结论:结合功能获得和丧失功能的方法,提出了一个有趣的场景,即IRS2在顶肠腔中显着表达,并在正常肠和肿瘤中由CDX2直接控制。



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