首页> 外文期刊>Grass and forage science: the journal of the British Grassland Society. >In vitro degradation of grass fructan by equid gastrointestinal digesta

In vitro degradation of grass fructan by equid gastrointestinal digesta


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Laminitis is a debilitating disease of the equid foot and appears to result from altered metabolism due to insulin resistance (IR) or hindgut acidosis. These disorders may be elicited by high intakes of simple sugars or fructans in pasture grasses. The aim was to determine in vitro (i) whether grass fructan is degraded in the equid foregut and (ii) the fermentation kinetics and organic acid production in cultures containing grasses differing in fructan content incubated with an equid hindgut microbial inoculum. When grass fructan was incubated with equid gastric and small intestinal digesta, polymeric fructan was partially degraded to oligofructan. When incubated with small intestinal digesta, but not gastric digesta, there was limited net loss of total fructan (oligomericiu +iu polymeric fructan). When Lolium perenne of elevated (PRGH) or moderate (PRGL) fructan content was incubated with an equine hindgut microbial inoculum, the rate of fermentation and accumulation of lactate 6 and 9iu h postinoculation were significantly greater for PRGH than for PRGL (Piu
机译:椎板炎是使脚衰弱的疾病,似乎是由于胰岛素抵抗(IR)或后肠酸中毒引起的代谢改变所致。这些疾病可能是由牧草中高糖,单糖或果聚糖的摄入引起的。目的是在体外确定(i)草果聚糖是否在马前肠中降解,以及(ii)在含有等量的后肠微生物接种物的含有不同果聚糖含量的草的培养物中,发酵动力学和有机酸的产生。当草果聚糖与相等的胃和小肠消化物一起孵育时,聚合果聚糖会部分降解为寡果聚糖。当与小肠消化物而不是胃消化物一起温育时,总果聚糖(寡聚体+ iu聚合果聚糖)的净净损失有限。当将高果糖含量(PRGH)或中果糖(PRGL)的黑麦草与马后肠微生物接种物一起培养时,接种PRGH后6和9iu h乳酸和乳酸的发酵和积累速率明显高于PRGL(Piu



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