首页> 外文期刊>Biochemical Pharmacology >Rats selectively-bred for behavior related to affective disorders: proclivity for intake of alcohol and drugs of abuse, and measures of brain monoamines.

Rats selectively-bred for behavior related to affective disorders: proclivity for intake of alcohol and drugs of abuse, and measures of brain monoamines.


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Several lines of rats potentially useful for studying affective disorders have been developed in our laboratory though selective breeding for behavioral characteristics. The propensity of these lines to consume alcohol and other drugs of abuse (amphetamine and cocaine) was examined. Also, measurement of the concentration of brain monoamines - norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin - as well as estimation of their metabolism by measurement of the major extracellular metabolites of these monoamines was carried out to examine possible relationships of brain chemistry to the behavioral characteristics shown by these lines, as well as to their propensity for drug usage. The lines of rats are: Swim Low-active (SwLo) and Swim High-active (SwHi), which show either very low (SwLo) or very high (SwHi) amounts of motor activity in a swim test; Swim-test Susceptible (Susceptible or SUS) and Swim-test Resistant (Resistant or RES), which are highly susceptible (SUS) or highly resistant (RES) to having their swim-test activity depressed by being exposed to a stressful condition prior to the swim test; and Hyperactive (HYPER), which show spontaneous nocturnal hyperactivity compared to non-selectively bred (i.e., normal) rats as well as both extreme hyperactivity and behavioral depression after being exposed to a stressful condition. Regarding alcohol and drug usage, SUS rats readily consume alcohol while all other lines including non-selected, normal rats do not, and SwLo rats show a strong tendency to consume amphetamine and cocaine. Marked differences in brain monoamines were found between the various lines and normal rats, with salient differences seen in norepinephrine, particularly in the hippocampus, and in dopamine in forebrain regions (striatum and nucleus accumbens).



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