首页> 外文期刊>Geriatrics & gerontology international. >Investigation of visual disorders of subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy (SMON) patients 32 years after onset: Questionnaire-based survey and ophthalmological examination

Investigation of visual disorders of subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy (SMON) patients 32 years after onset: Questionnaire-based survey and ophthalmological examination


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An investigation of subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy (SMON) patients (20 male and 132 female, aged 31-93 years) was conducted in December 1998 using a self-administered questionnaire. Following this survey, ophthalmological examinations were performed on 33 patients between 1998 and 2000. The questionnaire-based survey revealed that the prevalence of patients with cataracts was 52.0%, and those with glaucoma was 9.4%. By dividing the patients into two groups, according to the levels of visual disturbances at the time of onset of SMON, we found that the prevalence of glaucoma was higher in the group with visual disturbances than in the group with normal vision. However, the prevalence of cataracts, optico-neuritis and fundus hemorrhage was not considerably different between the two groups. Ophthalmological examinations (e.g. intraocular pressure test, visual field test, slit lamp microscopy test, funduscopic examination) revealed that 63.6% of patients had cataracts, and 12.1% had glaucoma (9.1% for normal tension glaucoma). The ophthalmological examination revealed that the prevalence of normal tension glaucoma in the SMON patients tended to be higher than in other surveys in the general population of Japan. SMON patients need follow-up ophthalmological examinations, especially for glaucoma, on a nationwide scale.
机译:1998年12月,使用自行填写的问卷调查了亚急性脊髓视神经病变(SMON)患者(男20例,女132例,年龄31-93岁)。这项调查之后,在1998年至2000年之间对33例患者进行了眼科检查。基于问卷的调查显示,白内障患者的患病率为52.0%,青光眼患者的患病率为9.4%。通过将患者分为两组,根据SMON发作时的视力障碍水平,我们发现,视力障碍者的青光眼患病率高于视力正常者。但是,两组之间的白内障,视神经炎和眼底出血的患病率没有显着差异。眼科检查(例如眼内压测试,视野测试,裂隙灯显微镜检查,眼底镜检查)显示63.6%的患者患有白内障,12.1%的患者患有青光眼(正常张力性青光眼为9.1%)。眼科检查显示,在日本的普通人群中,SMON患者的正常紧张性青光眼的患病率高于其他调查。 SMON患者需要在全国范围内进行随访眼科检查,尤其是青光眼。



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