首页> 外文期刊>Geological Society of America Bulletin >Cl/Br compositions as indicators of the origin of brines: Hydrogeologic simulations of the Alberta Basin, Canada

Cl/Br compositions as indicators of the origin of brines: Hydrogeologic simulations of the Alberta Basin, Canada

机译:Cl / Br成分可作为盐水来源的指标:加拿大艾伯塔盆地的水文地质模拟

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The origin and residence time of brines in the Alberta Basin have been debated for more than 40 years, with conflicting conclusions reported by geochemical and hydrogeologic studies. Here, numerical models were used to determine hydrogeologically feasible scenarios for the origin of brines in the Alberta Basin, using salinity and Cl/Br ratios as geochemical constraints. The models simulated variable-density fluid flow, heat transport, solute transport, and sediment compaction and decompaction in the Alberta Basin over the last 100 m.y. Simulation results suggest that pore fluids in this basin represent a mixture of four geochemical end members: seawater, freshwater, brines formed by evaporation of seawater, and, contrary to prior interpretations of Cl/Br ratios, brines derived from halite dissolution. Sensitivity studies revealed that similar distributions of salinity and Cl/Br ratios could be obtained without dissolution of halite if extremely low permeabilities were used in the model, but this scenario conflicts with field-based permeability data and prior simulations of petroleum migration in the basin. The residence time of brines in the Alberta Basin has thus likely been overestimated. The presence of evaporites introduces significant uncertainty in the use of Cl/Br ratios for interpreting the origin of brines in sedimentary basins, but salinity and Cl/Br ratios provide valuable new constraints for regional-scale models.
机译:阿尔伯塔盆地盐水的起源和停留时间已经争论了40多年,地球化学和水文地质研究报告的结论相互矛盾。在这里,使用盐度和Cl / Br比作为地球化学约束条件,使用数值模型来确定阿尔伯塔盆地盐水成因的水文地质可行方案。这些模型模拟了过去100 y y期间艾伯塔盆地的变密度流体流动,热传输,溶质传输以及沉积物压实和解压。模拟结果表明,该盆地的孔隙流体代表了四个地球化学末端成分的混合物:海水,淡水,海水蒸发形成的盐水,并且与先前对Cl / Br比率的解释相反,盐水来自盐岩溶解。敏感性研究表明,如果在模型中使用极低的渗透率,则无需盐分的溶解即可获得相似的盐度和Cl / Br比分布,但这种情况与基于现场的渗透率数据和盆地中石油运移的先前模拟相冲突。因此,阿尔伯塔盆地的盐水滞留时间可能被高估了。蒸发物的存在在使用Cl / Br比值解释沉积盆地中盐水的来源方面带来了很大的不确定性,但是盐度和Cl / Br比值为区域尺度模型提供了有价值的新约束。



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