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Submarine channel evolution: Active channels in fjords, British Columbia, Canada


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Seafloor channel systems are well developed in several British Columbia (Canada) fjords, including Knight, Bute and Toba inlets. The channels are active conduits for turbidity currents during episodic failures of delta fronts at the fjord heads. Recently acquired swath multibeam bathymetric data enabled a complete and detailed assessment of the form of these channel systems. Repeated multibeam surveys in Bute and Toba inlets (Mar. 2008 and Nov. 2010) indicate that the deeply incised channels may undergo accretion or erosion over a period as short as 2. 5 years. Locally significant (>15 m) bathymetric changes were documented in the channel systems, with bathymetric differences exceeding 5 m occurring along approx. 20-25% of the resurveyed channel lengths. Slope failure involving the upper delta front observed in Toba Inlet is a mechanism for the rapid initiation of new channel segments. Sediment accretion on the inner side of some channel bends indicates that point bars may form as lateral channel migration proceeds. Channel sidewall slumps are found at some outer channel bends and mounded deposits may occur at these sites. Lateral migration is accompanied by outer bend erosion, overall deepening of the channel and the development of terraces.
机译:海底河道系统在不列颠哥伦比亚(加拿大)的几个峡湾中都得到了很好的发展,包括Knight,Bute和Toba入口。这些通道是在峡湾头三角洲前锋的偶发性破坏过程中用于浊流的有源管道。最近获得的条带多波束测深数据可以对这些通道系统的形式进行完整而详细的评估。在Bute和Toba入口进行的多次多波束调查(2008年3月和2010年11月)表明,深切的通道可能会在短短的2. 5年内经历增生或侵蚀。在通道系统中记录了局部显着(> 15 m)的测深变化,沿大约3 km出现了超过5 m的测深差。重新测量的通道长度的20-25%。在鸟羽入口处观察到的涉及上三角洲前缘的边坡破坏是新通道段快速启动的机制。在某些河道弯道内侧的沉积物积聚表明,随着横向河道迁移的进行,可能会形成点坝。在某些外部通道弯曲处发现通道侧壁塌陷,并且在这些位置可能会出现堆积的沉积物。横向迁移伴随着外部弯曲侵蚀,河道的整体加深和阶地的发展。



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