首页> 外文期刊>Genetics: A Periodical Record of Investigations Bearing on Heredity and Variation >Temperature-sensitive mutations made easy: generating conditional mutations by using temperature-sensitive inteins that function within different temperature ranges.

Temperature-sensitive mutations made easy: generating conditional mutations by using temperature-sensitive inteins that function within different temperature ranges.


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Reversible and easy to use, temperature-sensitive (TS) mutations are powerful tools for studying gene function. However, TS alleles are rare and difficult to generate and identify, and this has limited their use in most multicellular organisms. We have generated and characterized 41 intein switches, temperature-sensitive Sce VMA mutations that splice only at the permissive temperatures to generate intact host proteins. At nonpermissive temperatures, they fail to splice, resulting in a loss of function of the proteins in which they reside. By inserting an intein switch into a protein of interest, one can turn on and off the activities of the engineered protein with a simple temperature shift. The 41 TS inteins function in five different temperature ranges, with permissive temperatures ranging from 18 degrees to 30 degrees . This collection makes it possible to choose a TS-intein switch according to the optimal growth temperature of an organism or to suit a special experimental design.
机译:温度敏感(TS)突变可逆且易于使用,是研究基因功能的强大工具。然而,TS等位基因很少见,并且难以产生和鉴定,这限制了它们在大多数多细胞生物中的使用。我们已经生成并鉴定了41个内含肽开关,温度敏感的Sce VMA突变,它们仅在允许的温度下剪接才能生成完整的宿主蛋白。在不允许的温度下,它们无法剪接,导致它们所驻留的蛋白质功能丧失。通过将内含肽开关插入目标蛋白质中,可以通过简单的温度转换来打开和关闭工程蛋白质的活性。 41 TS内含子在五个不同的温度范围内发挥作用,允许的温度范围为18度至30度。该集合使得可以根据生物体的最佳生长温度选择TS-intein开关,或适合特殊的实验设计。



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