首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society >Deuterium Naturally Present in Solvent and Site-Specific Isotope Population of Deuterium-Enriched Solute

Deuterium Naturally Present in Solvent and Site-Specific Isotope Population of Deuterium-Enriched Solute


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As the concentration of aqueous CD3OH solutions was decreased, the OD peaks in ~2H NMR spectra grew relative to the CD3 peaks. Isotope impurity for OH groups of CD3OH and deuterium naturally present in water contributed to the OD peaks. Using these peak area data, the site-specific isotope populations of isotope enriched chemicals were measured. In addition, the method using both ~1H and ~2H NMR spectroscopy was demonstrated with neat CD3OH to measure the site-specific isotope populations. The results indicate that although it represents only ~0.015% of hydrogen isotopes, the deuterium naturally present in solvents cannot be ignored, especially when the concentration of deuterium-enriched solutes is varied. Proton/deuteron exchange between methyl and methyl/hydroxyl groups was confirmed to be negligible, while that among hydroxyl groups was detectable.
机译:随着CD3OH水溶液浓度的降低,〜2H NMR光谱中的OD峰相对于CD3峰增加。水中自然存在的CD3OH和氘的OH基团的同位素杂质促成OD峰。使用这些峰面积数据,可以测量同位素富集化学物质的特定位点同位素种群。此外,使用纯净的CD3OH证明了同时使用〜1H和〜2H NMR光谱法测量位点特异性同位素种群的方法。结果表明,尽管它仅占氢同位素的〜0.015%,但溶剂中天然存在的氘尤其是当富氘溶质的浓度发生变化时,也不容忽视。甲基和甲基/羟基之间的质子/氘代交换被确认为可忽略不计,而羟基之间的质子/氘代交换可检测到。



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