首页> 外文期刊>Evidence-based nursing >Routine childhood vaccinations did not increase the risk of incident type 1 diabetes in Danish children

Routine childhood vaccinations did not increase the risk of incident type 1 diabetes in Danish children


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The study by Hviid et al contributes new evidence refuting a correlation between childhood immunisations and development of type 1 diabetes. Although some studies have suggested a link,1"3 no other researchers have verified this, and recent reports and studies reject this theory,The size of the cohort and the length of follow up add strength to the study conclusion. The authors estimated rate ratios, a statistical analysis that allows comparison of the incidence rates of a condition in 2 groups. In this case, the groups were defined according to vaccination status, which was considered to change over time, so that children in the study contributed person-years as both unvaccinated and vaccinated participants.In addition, the authors considered whether a trend was associated with the number of vaccination doses. Children who had siblings with type 1 diabetes were considered as a subgroup because genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes is a well documented risk factor.Although vaccination schedules vary among countries, the findings of this and other studies are relevant to all nurses providing advice to parents about childhood immunisation, particularly families where a strong genetic tendency to diabetes already exists. These families should be counselled that current evidence does not support a causal link between childhood vaccination and type 1 diabetes.
机译:Hviid等人的研究提供了新的证据,驳斥了儿童免疫接种与1型糖尿病发展之间的相关性。尽管一些研究表明了这种联系,[1] [3]没有其他研究者对此进行过验证,并且最近的报道和研究都拒绝了这一理论,但是队列规模和随访时间增加了研究结论的强度。作者估计了比率,这是一种统计分析,可以比较2组患病的发生率,在这种情况下,根据疫苗接种状态对各组进行了定义,认为疫苗接种状态会随着时间而变化,因此研究中的儿童贡献的人年数为此外,作者还考虑了趋势是否与疫苗接种剂量有关;患有兄弟姐妹的1型糖尿病儿童被认为是亚组,因为对1型糖尿病的遗传易感性是有据可查的危险因素。尽管各国的疫苗接种时间表有所不同,但这项研究和其他研究的结果与所有向父母提供有关孩子的建议的护士有关罩免疫,特别是已经存在强烈的糖尿病遗传倾向的家庭。应劝告这些家庭,目前的证据不支持儿童接种疫苗与1型糖尿病之间的因果关系。



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