首页> 外文期刊>Evidence-based mental health >Antipsychotic medications do not differ substantially in ability to reduce violent behaviour in people with schizophrenia.

Antipsychotic medications do not differ substantially in ability to reduce violent behaviour in people with schizophrenia.


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Question: Do antipsychotic medications differ in the ability to reduce violent behaviour in people with schizophrenia? Patients: 1493 adults with schizophrenia (DSM-IV), aged 18-65 years. Detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria are not reported in this article.Setting: The NIMH Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) project; 57 US sites (academic and community); January 2001-December 2004. Intervention: Olanzapine (7.5 mg capsule), quetiapine (200 mg capsule), risperidone (1.5 mg), perphenazine (8 mg capsule) or ziprasidone (40 mg capsule). Doses were altered according to clinical judgement, with up to 4 capsules given daily. Outcomes: Primary outcome: change in violent behaviour from baseline to 6 months (MacArthur Community Violence Interview-a combined measure of minor (eg, assault without injury) and serious (eg, assault with a weapon) violent behaviours). Information was collected from both the participant and family members.
机译:问题:抗精神病药物在减少精神分裂症患者暴力行为的能力上是否有所不同?患者:1493名精神分裂症(DSM-IV)成人,年龄18-65岁。本文未报告详细的纳入和排除标准。设置:NIMH临床抗精神病药物干预效果试验(CATIE)项目;美国的57个站点(学术和社区); 2001年1月至2004年12月。干预措施:奥氮平(7.5毫克胶囊),喹硫平(200毫克胶囊),利培酮(1.5毫克),奋乃静(8毫克胶囊)或齐拉西酮(40毫克胶囊)。根据临床判断改变剂量,每天最多服用4粒胶囊。结果:主要结果:暴力行为从基线到6个月的变化(麦克阿瑟社区暴力访谈-轻度(例如,无伤害攻击)和重度(例如,使用武器攻击)暴力行为的综合量度。从参与者和家人那里收集了信息。



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