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PLANNING IN THE GARDEN: PART 2: Specific changes relating to fencing, buildings and structures in the 2008 Amendment to Permitted Development Rights


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Fences, walls, railings, gates and other boundary structures require planning permission if over one metre high when next to a vehicular highway or its footpath, or over two metres high elsewhere. All trellises, posts and adornments, such as permanentornamentation or statues, must be below the one or two-metre mark (measured from land level). David Hand, of the government's Planning Portal (see sources), says there is 'no hard and fast rule' regarding where the one-metre front boundary steps up to two, but many feel that keeping side boundaries in front gardens to one metre high for around 2.5 to three metres is good practice.
机译:栅栏,墙壁,栏杆,大门和其他边界结构,如果在临近车辆高速公路或其行人路时超过一米,或者在其他地方超过两米时,则需要规划许可。所有的格子,柱子和装饰品,例如永久性装饰物或雕像,都必须低于一米或两米的标记(从地面测量)。政府规划门户网站的戴维·汉德(David Hand)说(关于一米的前边界在哪里逐步上升到两个,在哪里没有“一成不变的规则”,但是许多人认为将前花园的侧边界保持在一米高) 2.5米至3米的距离是个好习惯。



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