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Thalidomide: an old drug with new clinical applications.


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Thalidomide has several targets and mechanisms of action: a hypnosedative effect, several immunomodulatory properties with an effect on the production of TNF-alpha and the balance between the different lymphocyte subsets and an antiangiogenic action. Thalidomide has been used in several cutaneous inflammatory disorders (e.g., erythema nodosum leprosum in lepromatous leprosy, cutaneous lupus erythematosus and severe aphtosis), cancers (e.g., relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma, malignant melanoma and systemic signs in cancer) and inflammatory conditions (e.g., Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis). Several side effects are associated with thalidomide. Some are major, such as teratogenicity, peripheral neuropathy and deep vein thrombosis. Somnolence and rash are frequently reported when thalidomide is used at higher doses as an anticarcinogenic agent and can lead to dose reduction or treatment discontinuation depending on severity. Minor side effects include abdominal pain and endocrine disturbances. To prevent the teratogenicity, use of thalidomide is strictly controlled in western countries with close adherence to a birth control programme. Close monitoring for early development of peripheral neuropathy is also recommended.
机译:沙利度胺具有多种作用靶点和作用机制:催眠镇静作用,多种免疫调节特性,可影响TNF-α的产生以及不同淋巴细胞亚群之间的平衡和抗血管生成作用。沙利度胺已用于多种皮肤炎性疾病(例如,麻风性麻风中的结节性红斑性麻风,皮肤性红斑狼疮和严重的萎缩症),癌症(例如复发/难治性多发性骨髓瘤,恶性黑色素瘤和全身性体征)和炎性疾病(例如, ,克罗恩病和类风湿关节炎)。沙利度胺有几种副作用。一些是主要的,例如致畸性,周围神经病变和深静脉血栓形成。当沙利度胺以较高剂量用作抗癌剂时,经常会出现嗜睡和皮疹,视严重程度而定,可能导致剂量减少或治疗中断。轻微的副作用包括腹痛和内分泌失调。为了防止致畸,在严格遵守节育方案的西方国家严格控制了沙利度胺的使用。还建议密切监测周围神经病变的早期发展。



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