首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Biology and Medicine: Journal of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine >Effects of leptin on hypothalamic arcuate neurons in Wistar and Zucker rats: an in vitro study.

Effects of leptin on hypothalamic arcuate neurons in Wistar and Zucker rats: an in vitro study.


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Leptin, a product of the ob gene, decreases food intake and body weight in both Wistar and Zucker obese rats when administered centrally or peripherally. To examine whether these leptin effects might be mediated through a neuropeptide Y (NPY) signaling pathway in the medial part of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (vmARC), the effects of leptin on vmARC neurons in Wistar and Zucker obese rats were examined electrophysiologically using brain slice preparations. Bath application of leptin inhibited about 60% of the vmARC neurons recorded in slices from Wistar rats. Similar inhibitory effects of leptin on vmARC neurons were also observed under low-Ca2+, high-Mg2+ Ringer's solution. However, inhibitory effects were almost absent under Ringer's solution containing a protein kinase C inhibitor, chelerythrine chloride. In slices from Zucker obese rats, leptin inhibited only about 25% of the vmARC neurons recorded, and the proportion of neurons inhibited was significantly smaller for these rats than forWistar rats. These results suggest that reductions in food intake and body weight induced by leptin in both Wistar and Zucker obese rats are partly mediated via inhibition of an NPY signaling pathway in the vmARC.
机译:瘦素是ob基因的产物,当进行中央或周边给药时,Wistar和Zucker肥胖大鼠的食物摄入量和体重都会降低。为了检查这些瘦素的作用是否可能通过下丘脑弓状核(vmARC)内侧部分的神经肽Y(NPY)信号传导途径介导,使用电生理学方法,通过电生理学方法研究了瘦素对Wistar和Zucker肥胖大鼠的vmARC神经元的作用脑片制剂。洗澡应用瘦素可抑制Wistar大鼠切片中记录的vmARC神经元的60%。在低Ca2 +,高Mg2 +林格氏液下,瘦素对vmARC神经元也有类似的抑制作用。但是,在含有蛋白激酶C抑制剂白屈菜红碱氯化物的林格溶液下几乎没有抑制作用。在来自Zucker肥胖大鼠的切片中,瘦素仅抑制记录的vmARC神经元的25%,与Wistar大鼠相比,这些大鼠抑制的神经元的比例明显较小。这些结果表明,瘦素诱导的Wistar和Zucker肥胖大鼠的食物摄入量和体重减少部分是通过抑制vmARC中的NPY信号通路来介导的。



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