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Predicting hurricane landfall precipitation: optimistic and pessimistic views from the symposium on precipitation extremes


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If the USWRP goal for 72-h quantitative precipitation forecasts in hurricanes is going to be achieved, it will require coordinated efforts by observationalists, modelers, and forecasters. One goal of the U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP; Elsberry and Marks 1999) is to demonstrate the feasibility of numerical guidance that would allow 72-h quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPF) for hurricanes, thereby improving day 3 forecasts for inland flooding. This goal raises serious questions about thepredictability limit for tropical cyclone precipitation over the ocean, during landfall, and inland. The goal was thus a motivation for devoting a session of the Symposium on Precipitation Extremes to hurricane landfall precipitation. If the goal is a deterministic QPF over a small area, such as a watershed for a narrow valley, then some people are rather pessimistic about success. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather Service Offices and River Forecast Centers issue warnings for flash floods in areas as small as 10-20 mile~2, or river floods in areas of 1000 mile~2. Clearly, rainfall has to be resolved on less than 1-mile scales for flash floods, and perhaps 5-mile scales for river floods. Furthermore, the recordrainfall rates of tropical cyclones are well known. Given this threat of flooding, what QPF guidance can be offered now, and what is necessary to improve that guidance? The USWRP's focus on hurricane landfall precipitation has already increased researchinto this topic. In addition to six invited papers and a wrapup panel with four invited presenters, 32 posters were accepted for presentation. By contrast, as recently as the 23d Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology in 1999, only three papers were presented on this topic. This meeting summary will be a status report on the field, and will address the future requirements that were discussed at the panel session.
机译:如果要实现USWRP关于飓风72小时定量降水预报的目标,则将需要观察员,建模人员和预报人员的共同努力。美国天气研究计划(USWRP; Elsberry and Marks 1999)的一个目标是证明数值指导的可行性,该指导将允许对飓风进行72小时的定量降水预报(QPF),从而改善对内陆洪水的第3天预报。这个目标提出了关于海洋,登陆和内陆期间热带气旋降水可预测极限的严重问题。因此,该目标是将“极端降水专题讨论会”的一届会议专门讨论飓风登陆降水的动机。如果目标是在较小区域(例如狭窄山谷的分水岭)上进行确定性QPF,则有些人对成功抱有悲观态度。美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)国家气象服务办公室和河流预报中心会针对10至20英里(约2至2英里)范围内的山洪或1000英里(约2至2英里)范围内的河流洪水发出警告。显然,对于山洪来说,降雨的分辨率必须小于1英里,对于河流洪水,可能要解决5英里的规模。此外,热带气旋的暴雨记录率众所周知。鉴于洪水的威胁,现在可以提供哪些QPF指南,以及改进该指南的必要条件? USWRP对飓风登陆降水的关注已经增加了对该主题的研究。除了六份受邀论文和一个由四位受邀演讲者组成的总结小组外,还接受了32张海报进行演讲。相比之下,最近在1999年第23届飓风和热带气象学会议上,仅发表了三篇有关该主题的论文。该会议摘要将是现场情况报告,并将讨论小组会议上讨论的未来要求。



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