首页> 外文期刊>European Physical Journal Plus >Cosmological implications of a viable non-analytical f(R) model

Cosmological implications of a viable non-analytical f(R) model


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Power-law corrections (having the exponent strictly between 2 and 3) to the Einstein-Hilbert action yield an extended theory of gravity which is consistent with Solar-System tests and properly reproduces the main phases of the Universe thermal history. We find two distinct constraints for the characteristic length scale of the model: a lower bound from the Solar-System test and an upper bound by requiring the existence of the matter-dominated era. We also show how the extended framework can accommodate the existence of an early de Sitter phase. Within the allowed range of characteristic length scales, the relation between the expansion rate and the energy scale of inflation is modified, yielding a value of the rate several orders of magnitude smaller than in the standard picture. The observational implication of this fact is that a tiny value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio is expected in the extended framework. The suppression of primordial tensor modes also implies that the inflationary scale can be made arbitrarily close to the Planck one according to the current limits. Finally, an analysis of the propagation of gravitational waves on a Robertson-Walker background is addressed.
机译:对爱因斯坦-希尔伯特作用的幂律修正(指数严格在2到3之间)产生了引力理论的扩展,这与太阳系测试一致,并且正确地再现了宇宙热历史的主要阶段。对于模型的特征长度尺度,我们发现了两个明显的约束:太阳系测试的下界和要求存在物质主导时代的上限。我们还展示了扩展框架如何适应早期de Sitter阶段的存在。在允许的特征长度尺度范围内,修改了膨胀率与膨胀能级之间的关系,从而得到了比标准图片小几个数量级的比率值。这一事实的观察意义在于,在扩展框架中,预期张量与标量之比的值很小。对原始张量模式的抑制还意味着,可以根据当前极限将通货膨胀规模任意接近普朗克。最后,对重力波在罗伯逊-沃克背景上的传播进行了分析。



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